UH LADCP Documentation


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Serial Cable Conventions


With DB25 connectors, usually (?):
   DCE is female (modem)
   DTE is male (PC com port)

DB9 on PC and AT: male


RS-232 definitions:
                            DB-25       DB-9
                          DTE   DCE   DTE   DCE
Protective Ground    PG     1     1
Transmit Data        TD     2     3     3
Receive Data         RD     3     2     2
Request To Send      RTS    4     5     7
Clear To Send        CTS    5     4     8
Data Set Ready       DSR    6    20     6
Signal Ground        SG     7     7     5
Carrier Detect       CD     8     8     1
Data Terminal Ready  DTR   20     6     4


PC             Com1:      Com2:
   IO ports   3F8-3FF   2F8-2FF
   IRQ            4         3


BB Electronics 232-422 converters:
   model 422COR has a female DB25 on the 232 side, to plug
   directly into the male DB25 DTE port of a PC:  That is,
   it is wired as a DCE, like a modem.
               PG       1
               TD       3
               RD       2
               RTS      5 _
               CTS      4 _|
               DSR     20 ___
               SG       7    |
               CD       8 ___|
               DTR      6 ___|

   On the RS422 side, the male DB25 has:
               TDA(-)   2
               TDB(+)   14
               RDA(-)   5
               RDB(+)   17
               gnd       7
               12V +    25
               12V gnd  12
         signs indicate polarity with no data.


WH300 power/communication cable

pinouts for WH300 power/communication cable