UHDAS shipboard acquisition and processing software is installed on various UNOLS and other ships, to provide monitoring and at-sea data products from hull-mounted ADCPs. As part of the long-term monitoring effort, datasets are occasionally processed to learn about any problems with the acquisition or processing, or with the instruments. Some of these datasets are displayed here. They have been released for public use to the Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP (JASADCP).
UHDAS supports a variety of instruments made by Teledyne RD Instruments: Narrowband (150kHz, 300kHz), Workhorse (300kHz), and Ocean Surveyor (150kHz, 75kHz, 38kHz). The venerable Narrowband and newer Workhorse each ping in one mode. The Ocean Surveyor can be operated simultaneously with two types of pings: uncoded pings ("narrowband" or NB), and coded pings ("broadband" or BB). The former provides better range but less vertical resolution than the latter. The two types of pings are processed independently and treated as separate data sets.
In addition to the velocity measurements, transducer temperature measurements are shown. These should be regarded as providing only very approximate and qualitative information; the transducers are installed in fluid-filled wells, the temperature of which is often substantially higher than that of the seawater outside.
Data and figures are presented via a "cruise table" or a "gallery" of cruise tracks. For each cruise and sonar we provide a set of links to data, tides, and a grid of plots.
This web page is a work in progress. Another web page with earlir cruises is here.
netCDF data description
For each cruise, the processed shipboard ADCP data and a corresponding estimate of the barotropic tide are provided as netcdf files, individually and aggregated by cruise and by year. For more information, follow this link.