LAST CHANGED    : 2017/06/21 04:51:02
CRUISE NAME(S)  : ha1701_leg3
CRUISE DATES    : 2017/05/27 to 2017/06/21
SHIP NAME       : Hi`ialakai
PORTS           : Northern Marianas to Northern Marianas
DATA FILES      : hi2017_146_01231.raw to hi2017_171_14400.raw

STATUS          :  to do                           done
                  ------                       -----------
                  averaged                       [  x   ]
                  loaded                         [  x   ]

                  NOTE: heading correction instrument exists
                        NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections
                        applied IN the ensembles
                        (see   cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang)

                  check heading correction       [  x   ]
                  calibration                    [  x   ]
                  edited                         [  x   ]
                  re-check heading correction    [  x   ]
                  check editing                  [  x   ]
                  figures                        [  x   ]

INSTRUMENT      : os75

     PROGRAM    : uhdas
     PROCESSING:    : python

LOGGING         : 

     PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off)
                  SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec)
                  NB : number of bins
                  BL : bin length (m)
                  TD : transducer depth (m)
                  BK : blanking length (m)
                  HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg)
                  HB : heading bias (deg)
                  CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off)
                  yy/mm/dd  hh:mm:ss   BT   SI  NB  BL  TD BK     HO     HB CRPH
                  2017/05/27 00:25:32  off  300  60  16   5  8  49.00   0.00 0001

HEADING         : 
     PRIMARY    : heading from gyro
     CORRECTION : heading correction from posmv
                        NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections
                        applied IN the ensembles
                        (see   cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang)

POSITIONS       : gps positions from gpsnav

CALIBRATION     :(check original processing parameters)

                  additional rotation 2.7
                  final transducer angle is: 46.3
                       (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle)
		       49.00 -  2.7
                  original scale factor 1
                  additional scale factor: 1.004

                  dx,dy applied: 

                  --xducer_dx   0
                  --xducer_dy   7   ## transducer offset correction!

COMMENTS        : No gaps in heading correction

PROCESSOR       : U.Pinho

--- processing parameters ----------

## (determined from "sonar"): model = os
## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 75
## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os75
## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = nb
           beamangle   30
          cruisename   HA1701_MARAMP_leg3
            datatype   uhdas
             ens_len   300
             fixfile   a_hi.gps
           frequency   75
          hcorr_inst   posmv
            instname   os75
               model   os
            pingtype   nb
         proc_engine   python
          ref_method   refsm
     refuv_smoothwin   3
        refuv_source   nav
               sonar   os75nb
            txy_file   a_hi.gps
           xducer_dx   0
           xducer_dy   0
            yearbase   2017

### POST-PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------------------

This cruise is a transit from Marianas/Guam to Hawaii, crossing the western Ocean
Pacific along 20 degrees North paralel.

  cd os75nb nav/a_hi.gps

(1) review the data

    (a) check calibration:heading correction device:


              conclude: no action needed .

    (b) check calibration:

tail: cannot open 'cal/botmtrk/btcaluv.out' for reading: No such file or directory

Number of edited points:  68 out of  77
   amp   = 1.0043  + -0.0001 (t - 159.8)
   phase =   2.69  + 0.0147 (t - 159.8)
            median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0040   1.0043   0.0129
phase       2.7075   2.6879   0.6940

>> applied a small amplitude and phase corrections: --steps2rerun rotate:apply_edit:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.004 --rotate_angle 2.7  --auto

Number of edited points:  69 out of  78
   amp   = 1.0002  + -0.0001 (t - 159.7)
   phase =  -0.03  + 0.0176 (t - 159.7)
            median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0000   1.0002   0.0128
phase       0.0210  -0.0289   0.7224

   **transducer-gps offset**  
guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS
positions from a_hi.agt
calculation done at 2017/10/31 22:43:14
xducer_dx = 0.224690
xducer_dy = 6.664924
signal = 17463.061109

>> applied dy correction: --steps2rerun navsteps:calib  --xducer_dy 7 --auto

   **transducer-gps offset**  
guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS
positions from a_hi.agt
calculation done at 2017/10/31 22:44:26
xducer_dx = 0.235520
xducer_dy = -0.277847
signal = 17463.061109

   (c) look at the data:


(2)  edit "gautoedit"

    cd edit -n5

    # apply editing:

      cd .. --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib  --auto

    # check editing -- looks OK

(3)    - check calibrations again

   **transducer-gps offset**  
guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS
positions from a_hi.agt
calculation done at 2018/01/12 21:12:47
xducer_dx = 0.126822
xducer_dy = -0.232018
signal = 17463.061109

Number of edited points:  62 out of  72
   amp   = 0.9982  + -0.0001 (t - 159.8)
   phase =  -0.05  + 0.0127 (t - 159.8)
            median     mean      std
amplitude   0.9980   0.9982   0.0130
phase       0.0525  -0.0465   0.6753


make plots: --interactive

(5) extract data         adcpdb  contour/os75nb_short  HA1701_MARAMP_leg3 os75nb  --long adcpdb  contour/os75nb_long  HA1701_MARAMP_leg3  os75nb --steps2rerun matfiles --auto

 ncdump -h contour/


done with processing.
Add  os75nb/cruise_info.txt to the top of this file.
Edit with correct info