LAST CHANGED : Fri Jan 16 09:15:08 HST 2009 CRUISE NAME(S) : ka0806 CRUISE DATES : 2008/09/05 to 2008/09/30 SHIP NAME : Ka`imimoana PORTS : Kwajalein, RMI to Honolulu, HI CHIEF SCIENTIST : ?? DB_NAME : a_ka DATA FILES : uhdata data files: ka2008_248_72593 to ka2008_273_64800 STATUS : averaged, loaded, edited, heading corrected, done. INSTRUMENTs : OS75 ACQUISITION PROGRAM : UHDAS PING TYPE : narrowband (specify narrowband vs narrowband here) PARAMS : blank= 16 (BK) (see adcpdb/\*cnh after first pass) pulse = 16 (PL) bin length= 16 (BL) number of bins= 80 (NB) HEADING PRIMARY : gyro CORRECTION : posmv (at-sea correction replaced in post-processing) POSITIONS : gps CALIBRATION : 0.0 phase, 1.00 amplitude; : original heading alignment: 43.8 : from (45 - cal/watertrk) : angle tweak (0.3deg) COMMENTS : unrotate; fix heading correction; reapply : A few small posmv gaps PROCESSOR : Jules Hummon (additional instructions or notes about processing below...) -------------------------------------------- looking at the processing directory from sea. cal/rotate (1) undo it cal/rotate; unrotate unrotate.tmp (2) use posmv correction from rbins cal/rotate get_hcorrs('ka_08_06',... '/home/uhdas_data_archive/kaimimoana',... 2008); % edit hcorr_avgdh.asc (to make hcorr_avgdh_ed.asc) % to make interpolations better rbin_asc2ang('hcorr_avgdh.asc','hcorr_avgdh.ang') rotate rotate1.tmp (3) back to processing directory: --yearbase 2008 --use_refsm --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto (4) watertrack: Number of edited points: 99 out of 112 amp = 1.0017 + -0.0001 (t - 259.2) phase = 0.31 + 0.0162 (t - 259.2) median mean std amplitude 1.0010 1.0017 0.0074 phase 0.2880 0.3081 0.3818 --yearbase 2008 --steps2rerun \ rotate:navsteps:calib:matfiles --auto --instname os75 \ --rotate_angle 0.3 Number of edited points: 99 out of 112 amp = 1.0017 + -0.0001 (t - 259.2) phase = 0.01 + 0.0163 (t - 259.2) median mean std amplitude 1.0010 1.0017 0.0074 phase -0.0080 0.0088 0.3818 (5) editing --yearbase 2008 --steps2rerun \ apply_edit:navsteps:calib:matfiles --auto --instname os75 (6) web --instping os75nb --yearbase 2008 --cruiseid ka0806 --interactive