LAST CHANGED : 2018/05/31 CRUISE NAME(S) : rr1610 CRUISE DATES : 2016/08/14 to 2016/09/23 SHIP NAME : R. Revelle PORTS : Honolulu - Honolulu CHIEF SCIENTIST : A.Jessup DATABASE NAME : aship DATA FILES : rr2016_226_10326.raw to rr2016_266_43200.raw STATUS : to do done ------ ----------- averaged [ x ] loaded [ x ] NOTE: heading correction instrument exists NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) check heading correction [ x ] calibration [ x ] edited [ x ] re-check heading correction [ x ] check editing [ x ] figures [ x ] INSTRUMENT : os150 ACQUISITION : PROGRAM : uhdas PROCESSING: : python LOGGING : PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off) SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec) NB : number of bins BL : bin length (m) TD : transducer depth (m) BK : blanking length (m) HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg) HB : heading bias (deg) CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss BT SI NB BL TD BK HO HB CRPH 2016/08/14 02:57:07 off 300 40 8 5 4 -7.80 0.00 0001 HEADING : PRIMARY : heading from phins3 CORRECTION : heading correction from seapath NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) POSITIONS : gps positions from gpsnav CALIBRATION : (check original processing parameters) additional rotation 0 final transducer angle is: (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle) applied scale factor 1 additional scale factor (none) GPS x sonar offset (dx,dy): --xducer_dx -3 --xducer_dy 5 COMMENTS : gaps in heading correction: ashtec drifted from day 235.2 to 235.3, was applied. There are scattering layers PROCESSOR : U. Pinho --- processing parameters ---------- ## (determined from "sonar"): model = os ## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 150 ## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os150 ## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = nb badbeam None beamangle 30 configtype python cruisename RR1610 datatype uhdas dbname aship ens_len 300 fixfile aship.gps hcorr_inst seapath pgmin 50 pingpref None proc_engine python ref_method refsm refuv_smoothwin 3 refuv_source nav sonar os150nb txy_file aship.agt xducer_dx 2 xducer_dy 26 yearbase 2016 (1) Get some info about the data set: cat uhdas_info.txt ================================================================== ======= start of report for /home/data/cryosat/revelle/RR1610 ===== ================================================================== ------raw------- raw: ashtech 222 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) raw: gpsnav 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) raw: phins3 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) raw: seapath 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os150 .raw 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os150 .raw.log 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os150 .raw.log.bin 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os75 .raw 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os75 .raw.log 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) adcp: os75 .raw.log.bin 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) -----rbin------- rbin: ashtech:adu 222 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: ashtech:gps 222 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: gpsnav:gps 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: phins3:hdg 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: seapath:gps 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: seapath:gps_sea 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: seapath:hdg 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: seapath:sea 226 files (rr2016_226_10326 - rr2016_244_60761) rbin: ERROR ashtech:adu missing: rr2016_242_50400 rr2016_242_43200 rr2016_242_57600 rr2016_242_36000 rbin: ERROR ashtech:gps missing: rr2016_242_50400 rr2016_242_43200 rr2016_242_57600 rr2016_242_36000 -----gbin------- gbin: os75 (ashtech,gpsnav,time,phins3,seapath) gbin: os150 (ashtech,gpsnav,time,phins3,seapath) ================================================================== ======= start of report for /home/data/cryosat/revelle/RR1610b ===== ================================================================== ------raw------- raw: ashtech 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) raw: gpsnav 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) raw: phins3 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) raw: seapath 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os150 .raw 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os150 .raw.log 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os150 .raw.log.bin 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os75 .raw 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os75 .raw.log 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) adcp: os75 .raw.log.bin 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) -----rbin------- rbin: ashtech:adu 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: ashtech:gps 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: gpsnav:gps 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: phins3:hdg 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: seapath:gps 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: seapath:gps_sea 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: seapath:hdg 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) rbin: seapath:sea 265 files (rr2016_244_63118 - rr2016_266_43200) -----gbin------- gbin: os75 (ashtech,gpsnav,time,phins3,seapath) gbin: os150 (ashtech,gpsnav,time,phins3,seapath) ------ database time ranges -------- proc: os150bb 244.732 - 266.568 (2016/09/01 to 2016/09/23) proc: os150nb 244.732 - 266.568 (2016/09/01 to 2016/09/23) proc: os75bb No database found proc: os75nb 244.733 - 266.569 (2016/09/01 to 2016/09/23) (no "reports" directory found) ---------- end of report for /home/data/cryosat/revelle/RR1610b-------------- (1a) Sonars: os75nb (no bb) os150nb and os150bb. We see: - positions from ashtech, gpsnav, phins3, seapath - headings from gyro, posmv and ashtech - 222 files for ashtech (4 missing) and 226 files for the others. (2) Cruise summary: cd os150nb nav/aship.gps - Sail from Honolulu heading south, to the latitude 10 North; then sail from longitude 155W toward East, along 10 degrees North paralel, up to 125W where they made some transects and returned to Honolulu after 40 days sailing. (3) review the data (a) check calibration:heading correction device: cal/rotate/*png conclude: seapath drifted from day 235.15 to 235.30. The primary heading is phins3 and seapath used for heading correction. was used to clean up the data for heading correction in this small period, and the heading correction used was the interpolated since phins was good all the time. . (b) check calibration: **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 136 out of 139 amp = 1.0059 + 0.0001 (t - 245.9) phase = 0.01 + -0.0053 (t - 245.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0060 1.0059 0.0064 phase 0.0075 0.0091 0.3169 ------------ **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from aship.agt calculation done at 2018/05/31 01:08:53 xducer_dx = -3.359381 xducer_dy = 4.162570 signal = 2382.865940 ------------ --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --xducer_dx -3 --xducer_dy 4 --auto **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from aship.agt calculation done at 2018/06/02 02:44:27 xducer_dx = -0.112273 xducer_dy = 0.159021 signal = 2382.865940 ------------ **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 136 out of 139 amp = 1.0060 + 0.0001 (t - 245.9) phase = -0.00 + -0.0047 (t - 245.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0065 1.0060 0.0065 phase -0.0055 -0.0049 0.3125 ------------ (c) look at the data: (4) edit "gautoedit" cd edit -n5 # apply editing: cd .. --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib --auto # check editing -- looks OK (5) - check calibrations again **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 136 out of 139 amp = 1.0061 + 0.0001 (t - 245.9) phase = -0.00 + -0.0053 (t - 245.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0070 1.0061 0.0071 phase 0.0050 -0.0040 0.3493 ------------ **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from aship.agt calculation done at 2018/06/04 21:05:05 xducer_dx = -0.372982 xducer_dy = 1.411906 signal = 2382.865940 ------------ --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --xducer_dy 1 --auto **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from aship.agt calculation done at 2018/06/04 21:06:28 xducer_dx = -0.351518 xducer_dy = 0.408635 signal = 2382.865940 ------------ **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 136 out of 139 amp = 1.0061 + 0.0001 (t - 245.9) phase = -0.01 + -0.0051 (t - 245.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0070 1.0061 0.0070 phase 0.0075 -0.0052 0.3508 ------------ --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.0065 --auto **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 136 out of 139 amp = 0.9994 + 0.0001 (t - 245.9) phase = -0.01 + -0.0046 (t - 245.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0000 0.9994 0.0069 phase 0.0065 -0.0087 0.3471 ------------ cal/watertrk/wtcal1.png (6) make web plots ## use the sections chosen in os75nb mkdir webpy cp ../os75nb/webpy/sectinfo.txt webpy/ --redo - view with a browser, look at webpy/index.html (7) Extract data: --steps2rerun matfiles --auto You can extract NetCDF files as well. adcpdb contour/os150nb_short RR1610 os150nb --long adcpdb contour/os150nb_long RR1610 os150nb To check netcdf file: ncdump -h contour/ # cat cruise_info.txt at the top of this file!