.. _typical_adcp_ranges: Typical ranges of RDI instruments ---------------------------------- Operations +++++++++++ Minimum ocean depth for trustworthy Bridge Plot currents: +---------+---------------+ | wh1200 | 6m | +---------+---------------+ | wh600 | 6m | +---------+---------------+ | wh300 | 11m | +---------+---------------+ | sv300 | 11m | +---------+---------------+ | nb150 | 30m | +---------+---------------+ | os150bb | 20m | +---------+---------------+ | os150nb | 30m | +---------+---------------+ | os75bb | 30m | +---------+---------------+ | os75nb | 55m | +---------+---------------+ | os38bb | 42m | +---------+---------------+ | os38nb | 81m | +---------+---------------+ .. Science ++++++++++ In good conditions, these are the shallowest bin and typical maximum range of ocean currents from different RDI ADCPs. The parameters used to calculate the shallowest depth are on the right. Don't forget to add the transducer depth (on the hull) to the numbers below. .. +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | | shallowest | typical | bin size | beam angle | transducer | | | bin | max range | | | depth | +=========+=============+=============+===========+==============+==============+ | wh1200 | 4m | 12-15m | 0.5m | 20deg | 3m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | wh600 | 4m | 30-35m | 1m | 20deg | 3m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | wh300 | 7m | 50-80m | 2m | 20deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | sv300 | 7m | 50-80m | 2m | 20deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | nb150 | 11m | 300-400m | 8m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os150bb | 8m | 150-300m | 4m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os150nb | 11m | 250-350m | 8m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os75bb | 11m | 400-550m | 8m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os75nb | 18m | 600-750m | 16m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os38bb | 15m | 600-1000m | 12m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | os38nb | 25m | 800-1400m | 24m | 30deg | 5m | +---------+-------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ .. **Considerations**: These numbers are based on - typical UHDAS settings - nominal hull depth UHDAS settings are optimized for these instruments. The vertical extent of the data collected is usually set to be 10%-15% deeper than the deepest typical range if the ADCP velocity data. Data near the bottom are not useful, due to sidelobe interference. For a 30deg beam angle, the bottom 15% is bad and must be discarded. **Shallow** - The shallowest bin is most likely to be distorted by ringing or bubbles, so it is not used in the Bridge Plot. - In water shallower than the shallowest possible bin, data below the bottom will register as "strong velocities" and should be ignored. This is a particular problem if the Bridge is using the Bridge Plot to judge ocean currents on their way out of a harbor. We usually need 2 bins of water data in shallow water, to get 1 bin of good data (the bottom impacts the deepest bin). - The Bridge Plot is usually bins 2-3, to avoid the shallowest bin, so in shallow water, we would need 3-4 bins of data to have reliable bridge plot velocities. **Deep** - Sonar penetration can be blocked or distorted by bubbles. Bubbles can result in low Percent Good and reduced range (and sometimes biases). - Sonar reflection relies on scatterering off bugs or density gradients. If the water is too clear (eg. Arctic) range will be reduced. - Range can vary with the time of day: Bugs migrate down during sunlight, so range can vary by 10%-20% between night (deeper) and day (when the bugs are shallower)