.. ...................................... .. UHDAS/CODAS restructured text document .. ...................................... Check: What Should Be Updating... ---------------------------------- ... in the UHDAS GUI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a cruise is active and logging is underway, you should see: - green panels in the Monitor Tab, with updating strings (NMEA strings or byte count) NO RED. ... in the cruise directory: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can check the status of logging and processing by running the python command **showlast.py** in a terminal on "currents". This program is set up to list recent files in the various directories (to help identify where the problem is occurring). You can look in these directories... ... in '/home/adcp/cruise/raw/' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There should be single-ping data in each ADCP instrument directory (eg. NB150, OS75). Files are \*.raw ascii data being updated to each of the serial data directories (eg. gpsnav, gyro, Ashtech) - TEST THIS with the following command (**"l"** as in "logging") :: showlast.py -l 12 - LOOK AT STRINGS with the following command (**"a"** as in "ascii"). This will show the last 6 lines of each data stream logged (or the accompanying log file for binary data such as ADCP) :: showlast.py -a 6 ... in '/home/adcp/cruise/rbin/' +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There should be files with very recent (seconds old) timestamps in all "rbin" subdirectories. - TEST THIS with the following command (**"r"** as in "rbin") :: showlast.py -r 12 ... in '/home/adcp/cruise/gbin/' ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There should be files in all subdirectories with timestamps 5-10minutes old. - TEST THIS with the following command (**"g"** as in "gbin") :: showlast.py -g 12 ... on the web page -- Quick Links: Figures (live) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For each instrument and ping-type combination there will be: - 5-minute profiles update every 5 minutes - vector and contour plots update every hour If after 90 minutes the figures are still not updating, you (the ADCP Operator only) can try the only possible solution: '*start another cruise*'. - In other words, * stop recording * end cruise * start cruise (add a letter to the original cruise name). * start recording After 10 minutes you should see the profile plots updating; after 90 minutes you should see the vector+topography and contour figures updating. If there is still a problem, email us and we'll try to help: * uhdas@hawaii.edu (UHDAS Team) * askuhdas@hawaii.edu (UHDAS Ticketing)