.. UHDAS/CODAS restructured text document .. ...................................... .. _ticketing: Ticketing Flags ------------------ UHDAS has a ticketing system that automatically parses the daily email and the status files and prepends warnings and flags to the daily email. If you are a UHDAS Ticketing user, these are the flags that are automatically generated and presented in your daily email. Otherwise you have to scrutinize the files to find the problems. **Categories of automated warnings** **(1) data quality** - poor heading quality of accurate heading device - ADCP temperature spiking (impending instrument failure) - GPS time was repeated or stepped backwards - GGA messages are all commas - gaps in incoming data **(2) problems with acquisition or data feeds** - expected process is not running - database is old (but should be up to date) - zmq_publisher.py should be running but is not **(3) instrument or processing settings** - calibration out of spec - expected feed is missing - configuration file on ship does not match Master List - configuration file is internally inconsistent - incorrect ADCP settings * bottom track on in deep water * triggering results in too few pings - data from ADCP#1 is logged with ADCP#2's settings * software configuration (eg. error during installation setup) * cables swapped **(4) networking, computer health** - backup failed - disk not found - disk space running out - I/O error on disk - expected email did not come - problem with ntp time server - time server not used; computer clock drifted - processes taking too long - computer swapped ("spare" computer is logging data) - USB errors - other random errors (EDAC, URB) .. Ticket contents are: .. .. - :ref:`Back-up-failed ` .. - :ref:`Disk-Not-Found ` .. - :ref:`Bad-Heading-Ensembles ` .. - :ref:`Bad-Heading-Feeds ` .. - :ref:`Bad-Heading-QC ` .. - :ref:`Heading-Correction-Offset ` .. - :ref:`Phase-Drift ` .. - :ref:`Calibration-Offset ` .. - :ref:`Ping-Error ` .. - :ref:`Wrong-Ping-setting ` .. - :ref:`Bottomtrack-On ` .. - :ref:`DAS-Process-is-not-running ` .. - :ref:`Old-Database ` .. - :ref:`Non-Monotonic-Times ` .. - :ref:`ZMQ-Not-Running ` .. - :ref:`Spurious-Coordinates ` .. - :ref:`DMESG-Error ` .. - :ref:`USB-Errors ` .. - :ref:`IO-Errors ` .. - :ref:`Empty-GGA-fields ` .. - :ref:`Missing-Feed ` .. - :ref:`Gappy-U_dday ` .. - :ref:`Gappy-U_dday-2 ` .. - :ref:`Negative-Timestamp ` .. - :ref:`Time-Server ` .. - :ref:`NTP-Initialization ` .. - :ref:`NTP-all-Zeroes ` .. - :ref:`No-NTP-Source ` .. - :ref:`Drifting-Timestamp ` .. - :ref:`No-Email ` .. - :ref:`Disk-Usage ` .. - :ref:`Partition-Usage ` .. - :ref:`Slow-Process ` .. - :ref:`High-Load-Average ` .. - :ref:`Primary-Computer-Swap ` .. - :ref:`Proc-Configuration ` .. - :ref:`Sensor-Configuration ` .. - :ref:`Sensor-Incompatibility ` .. - :ref:`Wrong-Frequency ` .. - :ref:`Power-Outage ` .. - :ref:`USB-Re-Mapping ` .. - :ref:`Temperature-Warning ` .. - :ref:`Temperature-is-spiking ` .. - :ref:`URB-Stopped ` .. - :ref:`EDAC-Errors ` (Return to :ref:`TOP `) .. toctree:: :hidden: