.. ...................................... .. UHDAS/CODAS restructured text document .. ...................................... **MAHRS** Diagnostics ------------------------- TSS1 message ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The TSS1 data string contains 27 characters in five data fields. - The acceleration fields contain ASCII-coded hexadecimal values. Horizontal acceleration uses units of 3.83cm/s2 in the range zero to 9.81m/s2. Vertical acceleration uses units of 0.0625cm/s2 in the range –20.48 to +20.48m/s2. - The motion measurements contained in the data string will be in real time, valid for the instant when the System begins to transmit the string. _ Motion measurements include ASCII-coded decimal values. - Heave measurements are in cm in the range –99.99 to +99.99 metres. Positive heave is above datum. - Roll and pitch measurements are in degrees in the range –90.99° to +90.99°. Positive roll is port-side up, starboard down. Positive pitch is bow up, stern down. Interpreting the Status Flag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **"U" UNAIDED MODE – SETTLED CONDITION** The System is operating without any input from a gyrocompass, a GPS receiver or a Doppler log. **"u" UNAIDED MODE – SETTLING** The System is operating as above but is still awaiting the end of the 3 minutes settling period after power- on or a change of mode or heave bandwidth. **"G" GPS AIDED MODE – SETTLED CONDITION** The System is receiving and using velocity aiding signals from a GPS receiver or a Doppler log. **"g" GPS AIDED MODE – SETTLING** The System is receiving velocity aiding signals from a GPS receiver or a Doppler log, but is still awaiting the end of the 3 minutes settling period after power-on or a change of mode or heave bandwidth. **"H" HEADING AIDED MODE – SETTLED CONDITION** The System is receiving and using heading aiding signals from a gyrocompass. **"h" HEADING AIDED MODE – SETTLING** The System is receiving heading aiding signals from a gyrocompass but is still awaiting the end of the 3 minutes settling period after power-on or a change of mode or heave bandwidth. The gyrocompass may take several hours to settle after it has been powered-on. During this time, gyro- compass aiding of the System will not be perfect. The status flag does NOT indicate this condition. **"F" FULL AIDED MODE – SETTLED CONDITION** The System is receiving and using aiding signals from a gyrocompass and from a GPS receiver or a Doppler log. **"f" FULL AIDED MODE – SETTLING** The System is receiving aiding signals from a gyrocompass and a GPS receiver or a Doppler log, but is still awaiting the end of the 3 minutes settling period after power-on or a change of mode or heave bandwidth. Examples :: example warning TSS1 message: :023D97 -0043h-0031 0126 :003D35 -0042h-0091 0133 :053D9B -0028h-0140 0087 :053D2E 0018h-0215 0090 example good TSS1 message: :003D43 0000F-0082 0114 :003D44 0000F-0082 0114 :003D3E 0000F-0018 0116 :003D41 0000F-0020 0116 :003D41 0000F-0019 0115 :003D32 0000F-0009 0112 :003D3E 0000F-0006 0110 :003D44 0000F-0041 0124 ..