.. _LTA_dbmaker_index: LTA Processing with adcp_database_maker.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. NOTE:: **Directory Strategy** To simplify the documentation, these instructions assume you have set up your directories as in :ref:`Directory Setup` and you are doing your processing demos in **my_codas_demos/adcp_pyproc** :: your practice directory source ----------------------- ----------- my_codas_demos my_codas_demos/adcp_pyproc (new, WORKING IN HERE) my_codas_demos/uhdas_data copy of codas_demos/uhdas_data my_codas_demos/vmdas_data copy of codas_demos/vmdas_data my_codas_demos/uhdas_style_data (new, empty, for VmDAS conversion) ---- Click the image of the **adcp_database_maker.py** overview to enlarge. .. image:: /images/adcp_database_maker/dbmaker-overview.png :alt: adcp_database_maker.py overview :scale: 20 ---- Run ``adcp_database_maker.py`` from your ``adcp_pyproc`` directory. Check the :ref:`adcp_database_maker.py overview `. In the Virtual Computer that means:: cd ~/my_codas_demos/adcp_pyproc adcp_database_maker.py .. | ---- .. _pick_vmdas_dir: The ``adcp_database_maker.py`` window will pop up: .. image:: /images/adcp_database_maker/dbmaker_vmdas_launch.png :alt: vmdas form before filling :scale: 70 | ---- Navigate up one directory so you can choose the **vmdas_data** directory .. image:: /images/adcp_database_maker/after-splash_annot.png :alt: vmdas data selection :scale: 70 | ---- Select the **vmdas_data** directory... .. image:: /images/adcp_database_maker/after-splash-vmdas_annot.png :alt: vmdas data selection :scale: 70 | ---- ... and then choose **ps0918** .. image:: /images/adcp_database_maker/select_data_annot.png :alt: vmdas form before filling :scale: 70 ------ Now, if you haven't already created a **Project Directory** for your VmDAS data processing, you can do it in the GUI. - create (or navigate to) ``adcp_pyproc/ps0918_vmdas`` to store your **processing directories** and text files: - fill in the cruise name (``ps0918``) **BEFORE** .. image:: /images/dbmaker_LTA/vmdas_form_before_annot.png :alt: vmdas form before filling :scale: 100 | **AFTER** .. image:: /images/dbmaker_LTA/vmdas_form_after_annot.png :alt: vmdas form after filling :scale: 100 | ------- The full window looks like this. - choose "Convert \*LTA files" .. image:: /images/dbmaker_LTA/convert-lta_annot.png :alt: vmdas form afterfilling :scale: 85 ---- - [...then you wait...] The log window comes back with useful information, telling you about - the steps it is running - what it found - what to do next Your command-line terminal also has the "what to do next" :: Review this file: /home/adcpproc/my_codas_demos/adcp_pyproc/ps0918_vmdas/ps0918_os75_LTA_info.txt ...or scroll up to read (contents shown above) This important information contains: - comments about the dataset - steps to take in postprocessing You can view the dataset immediately using dataviewer.py: dataviewer.py /home/adcpproc/my_codas_demos/adcp_pyproc/ps0918_vmdas/os75bb_LTA .. ---- When it is done, you can do the post-processing steps. At this stage, your ``ps0918_vmdas`` **project directory** directory will look like this: .. image:: /images/dbmaker_LTA/after_dbmaker_lta_annot.png :alt: overview of adcp_database_maker :scale: 70 and the following new items have been created: - :ref:`ps0918_os75bb_LTA_info.txt ` (results of running vmdas_info.py) - :ref:`ps0918_os75bb_LTA_proc.txt ` (report of steps done, and steps remaining) Now you can go into the ``os75bb_LTA`` directory and proceed with the post-processing steps. These steps are covered in the :ref:`VmDas LTA Post-processing Demo ` ----- There are two more demos for loading the LTA data into a CODAS processing directory, in the commandline demos: - :ref:`automated command-line processing ` - :ref:`manual (type the commands) processing ` | .. include:: /txtfiles/available_demos.txt