.. ...................................... .. UHDAS/CODAS restructured text document .. ...................................... .. dataviewer.py documentation master file, copied from edit_doc 2018-09-03 You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. _dataviewer_reset_editing: Reset Some Editing --------------------- In **Edit Mode** and **Compare Mode** you can remove the effect of the editing at two stages: (1) **BEFORE Apply Editing**: If manual editing has staged but not yet applied, you can go to the Selectors window and choose **Unmask** mode. In that mode, any activity (eg. dragging a rectangle) will UNMASK that region. In **Mask** mode, any actions will add to the mask. (2) **AFTER Apply Editing** (or any previous or automated editing that has been applied to the CODAS datbase). For any flags that have been applied to the database, you can **Reset Editing** to the original Percent Good setting (usally 50%). Click images below for a larger version. Selector: Unmask Mode ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scenario: You have some manual editing that has been done (black dots) but it has notyet been applied (not yet in the CODAS database). This action occurs in the Selectors Window. ---- Here is a dataset with some manual editing, in the Selector Window: .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/manually-edit-in-seclector-window.png :alt: manually-edit-in-seclector-window :scale: 50 | ---- Now switch to **Unmask Mode** In this image, the user is selecting a circle of masks to subtract (in red): .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/manually-edit-in-selector-window-unmask00.png :alt: manually-edit-in-selector-window-unmask00 :scale: 50 | ---- When the mouse is lifted, the masks in the center of the big circle disappear -- the points are no longer masked. .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/manually-edit-in-selector-window-unmask01.png :alt: manually-edit-in-selector-window-unmask01 :scale: 50 | .. NOTE:: At this point you could also click **Clear Edits**, which would remove all staged masks. | ----- After closing the Selector Window, we see the staged editing as black dots: .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/before-apply-edits.png :alt: before-apply-edits :scale: 50 | ---- The **Apply Editing** button puts the flags in the CODAS datanase .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/after-apply-edits.png :alt: after-apply-edits :scale: 50 | | ---- Reset Editing +++++++++++++++ | This action resets the Profile Flags in the CODAS database to their original Percent Good threshold only. In the Control Panel, click **Reset Editing** .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/ResetEditButton.png :alt: Panel window: reset Edit button :scale: 60 | ---- This brings up a new window. - choose which variable to view - swipe (right or left) to select regions You can select multiple time ranges .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/reset-edits-annot.png :alt: reset-editing page :scale: 50 | ------ After lifting the mouse, the region is selected. To activate, click the button that says **Reset all edits over the selected sections** .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/reset-edits01.png :alt: reset-edits01 :scale: 50 | ---- Now the database has been returned to Percent Good (probably 50%) as the only flag applied. .. image:: /images/dataviewer_reset_editing/reset-edits-after-RESET.png :alt: reset-edits-after-RESET :scale: 50 (Return to :ref:`TOP`) .. toctree:: :hidden: