4.3. Tools to access ADCP data


A scientist with an existing UHDAS dataset who wants to use Matlab to access the ADCP data should look here

There are two categories of “access” to ADCP data:

  1. EXTRACTING files from a CODAS database to disk, which can have one of two formats:
    • Matlab
      • averaged (eg. hourly)

      • every bin, every profile

    • NetCDF

    READING the output files just created. Reading these files does not require installation of CODAS Matlab software.

  2. DIRECT ACCESS to ADCP data in the following states:
    • CODAS database (Python access only)

    • UHDAS raw data files (Matlab or Python)
      • just the adcp data (beam velocities)

      • along with navigation etc

    • VmDAS data files (Matlab or Python)
      • (ENR, ENS, ENX, STA, LTA)

    These direct-access tools require some or all of the CODAS software (and supporting tools) to be installed.

Although we are not actively using or devloping Matlab programs, we will ensure that the programs for reading CODAS Matlab output and raw RDI data files continue to work.
