Serial Settings (Baud rate, COM Port, etc)

  1. Starting tk_terminal.py

  2. Choose the port

  3. Choose the Baud rate

  4. Connect to the port

Under the File menu, choose Connect to port. This opens the port for communication. Be sure to Disconnect when you are finished, or if you are going to change settings (or it will get confused).

setting up tk_terminal.py

Saving input

If the serial port is connected to a device with serial messages spewing forth, you should see those in the tk_terminal window. To stop the flow, choose Disconnect from the File menu.

The rest of the menu options under the File menu are related to saving input. You can

  • clear the screen (“clear”)

  • save what exists there (“save previous”)

  • start a log file (“start saving”)

  • stop a log file (“stop saving”)

  • close the connection (“Disconnect”)