3.5.2. Logfiles, Flags, and other status files¶ Link to Cruise Directory:¶
- “/home/adcp/cruise” points to the actual cruise logging directory
no logging can take place unless the directory structure exists.
logging occurs in the directory to which the link points. Status Flags (in the “flags” directory)¶ Flags and other notifications:¶
- All files in ‘/home/adcp/flags/’ contain the PID for the
relevant process
- Except for DAS.running:
all files contain a second line which was the process start time
- all files are touched when the relevant periodic job is
run (eg. rsync)
Status flags indicate what is runing:
- DAS.running
contains the pid for DAS.py (the gui)
indicates the gui (DAS.py) is open
- DAS_while_cruise.running
contains the pid for DAS_while_cruise.py
indicates DAS_while_cruise.py is running (i.e. rsync process scheduler)
details in /home/adcp/log/DAS_while_cruise.log
- DAS.logging
indicates ser_asc and ser_bin processes are running
irrelevant to DAS_while_logging.py (which controls processing, not logging)
- DAS_while_logging.running
contains the pid for DAS_while_logging.py
indicates DAS_while_logging.py is running
relevant to processing steps
- DAS_speedlog.running (IF CONFIGURED)
contains the pid for DAS_speedlog.py
indicates DAS_sppedlog.py is running
- DAS_while_logging.stop (EPHEMERAL)
after “Stop Recording” is clicked, this empty file is touched in /home/adcp/flags. It signals DAS_while_logging.py to quit.
when DAS_while_logging.py quits, it removes both files: DAS_while_logging.stop, and DAS_while_logging.running
- DAS_speedlog.stop (EPHEMERAL)
after “Stop Recording” is clicked, this empty file is touched in ~/flags. It signals DAS_speedlog.py to quit.
when DAS_speedlog.py quits, it removes both files: DAS_speedlog.stop, and DAS_speedlog.running
- DAS_while_cruise.stop
after “End Cruise” is clicked, this empty file is touched in ~/flags. It signals DAS_while_cruise.py to quit.
when DAS_while_cruise.py quits, it removes both files: DAS_while_cruise.stop, and DAS_while_cruise.running logfiles: /home/adcp/log¶
- DAS_while_cruise.log
contains the epochsec times the scheduler started cruise-based processes: eg. rsync
- contains scheduler starttimes for logging-based processes: eg.
run_lastensq (update gbins, make average, plot average)
run_quick (run quick_adcp.py)
run_3dayplots (make vector and contour figures)
timestamp and notes for processes run
- DAS_speedlog.log.warn
contains warnings and error messages Timestamped log files¶
The time stamp is the time the file is started. The timestamp is yyyy_ddd_sssss, where yyyy is the 4-digit year, ddd is the zero-based decimal year day and sssss is the number of seconds in the day.
- logYYYY_ddd_sssss.txt
timestamped processes started by DAS.py
- logYYYY_ddd_sssss.txt.err
any python errors that occur
- term[adcp]logYYYY_ddd_sssss.txt
the dialogs with the [adcp], where [adcp] is nb150, os38, os75, etc. temporary files: /home/adcp/uhdas_tmp¶
- DAS_speedlog.log
output messages; (for debugging)
- from gbin updates and 5-minute profile plots:
run_lastens_nb150.stdout (from run_lastens.py)
lastnb150_tmp.m (matlab file to update gbins and 5-minute plots)
*.eps, *.png (postscript and png files to put on the web)
- run_quick_nb150.stdout
stdout from quick_adcp.py processing
- run_3day_nb150.stdout
stdout from run_3dayplots.py
- run_3days_shallow_tmp.m
matlab file to create 1-hour vector plot
- run_3daycont_tmp.m
matlab file to create 1-hour contour plots