3.3.3. Troubleshooting speedlog Components (what talks to whom)

The speedlog program is called DAS_speedlog.py and it

  • starts when DAS.logging is True (it does not run when logging is stopped)

  • gets its configuration from /home/adcp/sensor_cfg.py (speedlog_config)

  • listens to a zmq feed with indexing information (where to read in the file)

  • reads ADCP data

  • calculates speed past the ship (forward, starboard)

  • puts out $VDVBW messages as configured (serial, UDP) for users

  • puts out $VDVBW messages via zmq for web_speedlog.py

The web viewer is called web_speedlog.py and it:

  • starts at boot

  • reads a zmq feed from DAS_speedlog.py

  • puts out information via web_torrent to the network on the specified ethernet port (that port name is used to deduce the IP address and then the subnet where info is sent) speedlog configuration (in sensor_cfg.py)

## speedlog: enabl ed in /home/adcp/config/uhdas_cfg.py
speedlog_config = {
 'instrument'        : 'os150',  ## wh300 is disabled
 'serial_device'     : '/dev/ttyUSB1',   # no serial out is ''
 'udp'               : ''
 'baud'              : 9600, # required (for historical reasons)
 'zmq_from_bin'      : "tcp://",  # read os150 indexing
 'pub_addr'          : "tcp://",  # publish speedlog
 'eth_port'          : 'enp10s0', # NIC for web_speedlog.py
 #   'heading_offset'    : xx.x,  # defaults to h_align from proc_cfg.py
 'scale'             : 1.0,     # multiplies velocity measurement
 'bins'              : (1,2),   # zero-based; input to python slice()
 'navg'              : 5,       # pings to average
} Normal behavior

Speedlog is started when “Start Recording” is clicked (after all the acquisition is started).

It can be stopped with

DAS_speedlog.py --stop

it can be started in a “screen session”

export DISPLAY=:0.0
        DAS_speedlog.py Troubleshooting DAS_speedlog.py

Follow the data:

  • DAS.py should be running

  • Cruise should be active

  • Data acquisition should be occurring

Look in the /home/adcp/config/sensor_cfg.py speedlog configuration block and note the following:

instrument                      eg. os150
zmq_from_bin                    eg. tcp://
pub_addr                        eg. tcp://


Verify that the following three things are all true:

  1. The zmq feed from the ADCP data acquisition is coming out. Test with the zmq_from_bin variable:

zmq_monitor.py -c 5 tcp://

The results should look like this:

/home/data/DY105_part3/raw/os150/ukdy2019_193_64033.raw 47850 957
/home/data/DY105_part3/raw/os150/ukdy2019_193_64033.raw 48807 957
/home/data/DY105_part3/raw/os150/ukdy2019_193_64033.raw 49764 957
/home/data/DY105_part3/raw/os150/ukdy2019_193_64033.raw 50721 957
/home/data/DY105_part3/raw/os150/ukdy2019_193_64033.raw 51678 957

This means DAS_speedlog.py has something to read.

  1. DAS_speedlog.py should be running. Test this way:

ps -ef | grep DAS_speedlog.py

The result should be something like this:

adcp     26671  1449  0 20:43 ?        00:00:27 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/currents/bin/DAS_speedlog.py

If DAS_speedlog.py is not running, check the log file and look at any warnings.

less /home/adcp/log/DAS_speedlog.log
less /home/adcp/log/DAS_speedlog.log.warn

(3) If DAS_speedlog.py is running, then we should see the zmq feed. Test with the pub_addr variable:

zmq_monitor.py -c 5 tcp://

The results should look like this:


Speedlog is fundamentally working.

You can also test the other outputs from the speedlog configuration (from the example above)

Serial: (eg) ttyUSB1 (use a null-modem cable and an empty port, or another computer)


udp_show.py -n5 Troubleshooting web_speedlog.py

Verify that the zmq feed from DAS_speedlog.py is present (see above) tcp://

Look in the /home/adcp/log directory for the logfile and warnings. Most common error is an incorrect ethernet port in the speedlog block of sensor_cfg.py, or a change in networking after the computer was restarted.


less /home/adcp/log/web_speedlog.log less /home/adcp/log/web_speedlog.warn

Try restarting web_speedlog.py:

Identify the Process ID

ps -ef | grep web_speedlog.py

Results: PID is 1537 in the example (it’s the second column)

root      1537  1259  0 Aug01 ?        00:00:00 su adcp -l -c /usr/local/currents/bin/web_speedlog.py
  1. kill the process

sudo kill 1537
  1. Start web_speedlog.py again – do this in a screen session

screen                   # start a screen session
web_speedlog.py          # start web_speedlog.py
Control-a d              # to detach
  1. Try refreshing the web browser page