Water Tracking¶
Part I: CODAS binaries¶
Use CODAS binaries to stage the data for watertrack calibration calculation. This has not changed since the original Pindata demo.
- timslip Detect ship accelerations and turns from ship velocity,
as recorded by the ADCP, and from position fixes. It can be used to derive an estimate of the time difference between the ADCP ensembles and the satellite time. It also provides estimates of the amplitude and phase of the transducer misalignment.
Make changes in
to extract more points for the watertrack calibration calculation, for example: allowing a slower ship-speed transition, or less smoothing before extracting the points. An example of this is here.edit
(documented intimslip.cnt
timslip timslip.tmp
creates specified output file, eg.
The default timslip.tmp
is shown below
(for database name aship
fix_file_type: simple
fix_file: ../../nav/aship.ags
reference_file: ../../nav/aship.nav
output_file: aship_7.cal
year_base= 1993
min_n_fixes= 7 /* 5 7 9 */
n_refs= 7 /* 5 7 9 */
i_ref_l0= 1
i_ref_l1= 2 /* 1 2 3 */
i_ref_r0= 5 /* 4 5 6 */
i_ref_r1= 6 /* 4 6 8 */
up_thresh= 3.0 /* m/s */
down_thresh= 3.0 /* m/s */
turn_speed= 2.0 /* m/s */
turn_thresh= 60 /* degrees */
dtmax= 360 /* seconds, for 300-second ensembles */
tolerance= 5.e-5 /* days, about 5 seconds */
grid: ensemble
use_shifted_times? no
Part II: Python (used to be Matlab)¶
Use Python to calculate water track calibration values
and make plots. This replaces the Matlab program calladcpcal_tmp.m
Edit the file Wtplot_script.py
Run the Python py typing:
python Wtplot_script.py
Default Wtplot_script.py
for pingdata demo:
#!/usr/bin/env python
## written by quick_mplplots.py -- edit as needed:
## cruiseid is 'ADCP'
## dbname is 'aship'
## proc_yearbase is 1993
## printformats is 'png'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pycurrents.adcp.quick_mplplots import Wtplot
## other options that can be chosen
## name value
## ------------- -----------
## cruiseid 'ADCP
## printformats 'pdf'
## dpi 100
## outfilebase 'wtcal'
## statsfile 'adcpcal.out'
## comment '#'
## ddrange 'all'
## clip_ph 3,
## clip_amp 0.04
## clip_var 0.05
## clip_dt 60
## clip_u [-100,100]
## clip_v [-100,100]
WT = Wtplot()
WT(cal_filename = 'aship_7.cal',
printformats = 'png',
cruiseid = 'ADCP',
proc_yearbase = '1993')
This appends a block of Water Track Calibration information
to the file adcpcal.out
ADCP watertrack calibration
Time range 98.05 to 99.32
Calculation done at Tue Apr 23 02:52:40 2013
delta-u min = -100.00, max = 100.00
delta-v min = -100.00, max = 100.00
clip_amp = 0.04, clip_ph = 3.0
clip_dt = 60, clip_var = 0.050
Number of edited points: 15 out of 17
amp = 0.9940 + 0.0172 (t - 98.8)
phase = 0.24 + -0.9924 (t - 98.8)
median mean std
amplitude 0.9930 0.9940 0.0161
phase 0.1350 0.2367 0.9394
nav - pc 4.0000 3.1333 5.5274
var 0.0080 0.0104 0.0066
min var 0.0080 0.0097 0.0067
delta-u 0.3700 0.7433 2.1442
delta-v 1.7500 0.4953 4.1361
To change some of the calculation parameters, copy the file
to another name, eg. Wtplot_slower.py
and edit. For example, to change the following parameters:
new input filename (if
was changed and used a different output file): cal_filename = ‘aship_5.cal’new output filename : outfilebase = ‘wtcal5_slower’
more phase clipping: clip_ph = 2
… replace the call to WT (above) in Wtplot_slower.py
with these additions:
WT(cal_filename = 'aship_5.cal',
printformats = 'png',
cruiseid = 'ADCP',
proc_yearbase = '1993',
outfilebase = 'wtcal5_slower',
clip_ph = 2)
Do not forget to add commas after each new line.
Run again:
python Wtplot_slower.py
Now the Water Track Calibration values have changed:
ADCP watertrack calibration
Time range 98.05 to 99.73
Calculation done at Fri May 10 08:43:11 2013
delta-u min = -100.00, max = 100.00
delta-v min = -100.00, max = 100.00
clip_amp = 0.04, clip_ph = 2.0
clip_dt = 60, clip_var = 0.050
Number of edited points: 20 out of 24
amp = 0.9861 + 0.0240 (t - 98.9)
phase = 0.18 + 0.3759 (t - 98.9)
median mean std
amplitude 0.9820 0.9861 0.0208
phase 0.2305 0.1794 0.9147
nav - pc 2.0000 2.9000 10.1872
var 0.0075 0.0086 0.0043
min var 0.0060 0.0072 0.0041
delta-u 0.4350 0.0585 2.0352
delta-v -1.3150 -0.3795 3.7571
This is just a demonstration of how th make the changes. You have to decide what to apply.
Number of edited points: 15 out of 17
amp = 0.9940 + 0.0172 (t - 98.8)
phase = 0.24 + -0.9924 (t - 98.8)
median mean std
amplitude 0.9930 0.9940 0.0161
phase 0.1350 0.2367 0.9394
Number of edited points: 20 out of 24
amp = 0.9861 + 0.0240 (t - 98.9)
phase = 0.18 + 0.3759 (t - 98.9)
median mean std
amplitude 0.9820 0.9861 0.0208
phase 0.2305 0.1794 0.9147