1.2. Processing Guidelines

(1) Keep data separate from processing:
  • helps separate “backing up data” (large volume, rarely changes) from “backing up processing” (smaller volume, changes often)

(2) Do not alter the original data:
  • if you are going to remake any UHDAS data (rbins or gbins), move the original directory to another name, eg. mv gbin gbin.orig. If you are using adcp_database_maker.py, it will do this for you.


When working with UHDAS data from a cruise, leave all the directories the way they were when they came from the cruise. DO NOT replace the “proc” directory with your own processing. Make a new processing directory, somewhere NOT in the data directory.

(3) Keep notes

  1. In your work area, make a directory with your cruise name. This is referred to as the project directory and is usually associated with a cruise.

  2. For any processing you do, start a text file to keep notes. Your notes should include enough information for someone else (or you, months or years later) to understand what was done, including

    • metadata information about the cruise (eg. instrument settings, serial devices present and what was used)

    • contents of control files written

    • steps taken

    Your audience should be “yourself in 1 year” if you had to go back and do it again, or explain to someone what you did.

  3. After quick_adcp.py has finished its first run or after using adcp_database_maker.py in the processing directory there will be a text file called cruise_info.txt which you can insert into your text file. This is illustrated in the demos.


It is recommended that your notes sit outside the processing directory. The processing examples illustrate this.

Keeping your notes outside the processsing directory is good insurance, in case you have to delete the processing directory and start over (it does happen) or if you decide to process again with different settings.

If you do have to redo the processing for some reason, it is not a waste of time:

  • You can verify that your notes are accurate, by using them again

  • It should be faster the second time

  • You will learn better the second time