Processing Ocean Surveyor data with sequential use of one pingtype:
This is a work in progress.
There is a script that should help automate the processing
of cruises where only one pingtype is used at a time,
but it could be one or the other. For example
- bb over the shelf
- nb over the deep
- bb over the shelf
Getting Ready:
Make sure you are running a recent version of CODAS processing.
See documentation about upgrading, or switching to a new virtual computer
(1) set up for ENR processing as discussed in the workshop (and docs)
(2) assumes:
* control file is called "q_py.cnt"
* "--update_gbins" is in the control file or gbins are already new
* in q_py.cnt: this option "--sonar os75bb" or "--sonar os75nb"
should be commented: we are going to specify it in the command line
(because we will be choosing different pingtypes for different
chunks of data): like this in q_py.cnt:
# --sonar ## COMMENT THIS OUT -- put in command-line
(3) The script will create the set of commands that will get you a
dataset with
* the only pingtype that exists, if the data are not inverleaved
* the default specified, if the data are interleaved
eg: from the processing directory (created by "")
For the Oleander data (example above) which has
- bb over the shelf
- nb over the deep
- bb over the shelf os75 ../fake_uhdas_data/Oleander_Nov2011/raw/os75/*raw
If you had interleaved pings, you would have to pick a default
(preferred) ping type using the "--pingpref" option: --pingpref nb ../fake_uhdas_data/Oleander_Nov2011/raw/os75/*raw
(5) output is below. The idea is to actually dump this list of commands in a
file and then "source" the file (to run all the commands)
eg. --pingpref nb ../fake_uhdas_data/Oleander_Nov2011/raw/os75/*raw > run_quick.s
source run_quick.s
NOTE: the same output will be generated if you point to the vmdas_data (ENR, STA)
or the fake_uhdas_data (*.raw) because it is looking at configuration changes
not just file boundaries. --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 314.68842 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 314.87945 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 315.04602 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75nb --incremental --dday_bailout 320.16733 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 320.37591 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 320.57815 --auto --cntfile q_py.cnt --sonar os75bb --incremental --dday_bailout 320.61893 --auto
The two switches "--incremental" and "-dday_bailout" work together.
"--incremental" allows pieces to be added later
"--dday_bailout xxx" quits processing at the specified time
This is a specific use case.
written 2015/04/20; this strategy is still valid, though not tested of late.
Email us if you have a question.