Cruise km1001c processing: The os38nb at-sea processing directory was copied from the "proc" directory of the km1001c cruise disk. All postprocessing is done with full codas+python (i.e. using numpy+matplotlib) (1) make directory km1001c_postproc for post-procssing - copy km1001c/proc/os38nb directory from cruise disk into km1001c_postproc - start editing a text file called os38nb.txt, with the contents of os38nb/cruise_info.txt at the top. - keep notes down below, and fill in above later - look at the cruise track to see what we're expecting: cd os38nb nav/a_km.gps - This is a cruise with a "patch test" to calibrate the multibeam. There should be ample watertrack calibration points from the patch test. (note) Correct a bug in the watertrack calibration and update all png files: --yearbase 2010 --plots2run all --noshow (2) check accurate heading device (POSMV): - look at figures in cal/rotate *hcorr.png for gaps (none) cal/rotate/*png conclude: no action needed regarding heading (3) check calibration: (a) cal/watertrk/adcpcal.out **watertrack** ----------------- Number of edited points: 32 out of 36 amp = -0.0027 + 1.0080 (t - 30.3) phase = 0.06 + -0.0058 (t - 30.3) median mean std amplitude 1.0060 1.0080 0.0085 <--- slight scale factor phase 0.0775 -0.0058 0.4343 <--- no phase adjustment ----------------- (b) cal/botmtrk/btcaluv.out (no bottom track) - action: watertrack suggests a slight scale factor might be applied after editing - this is "close enough" to allow editing at this point (4) Try to edit bad data (use 5 panels, not the usual 4) cd edit -n5 - gautoedit will complain about not finding "dbinfo.txt" - It will prompt you to run " --steps2rerun calib" - and use the prompts to fill in "dbinfo.txt" - This must be done in the processing directory (not edit directory) - change directories back: cd .. --steps2rerun calib --auto - NOTE: will complain about missing some information. At each error, include the information in the command line until it runs. ERROR solution: add to commands ERROR -- must select "datatype" "--datatype uhdas" ERROR -- must set "sonar" "--sonar os38nb" ERROR -- must set "yearbase" "--yearbase 2010" ERROR -- must set "ens_len" "--ens_len 300" ERROR -- must set "cruisename" "--cruisename km1001c" ERROR -- must set "beamangle" "--beamangle 30" Usually, mean angles are: OS38, OS75, OS150 30 wh300 20 nb150 30 - now try again. Here is the whole command --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --datatype uhdas --sonar os38nb --yearbase 2010 --ens_len 300 --cruisename km1001c --beamangle 30 --auto OK, that's the only time we need to use all those settings. Now go back to editing cd edit -n5 ## do the editing. Make sure to "Apply Editing" before quitting. ## the redo the navigation and calibration steps (the "apply_edit" ## is just insurance and should have no effect) cd .. --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib --auto **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 32 out of 36 amp = 1.0080 + -0.0027 (t - 30.3) phase = -0.01 + 0.0589 (t - 30.3) median mean std amplitude 1.0060 1.0080 0.0085 phase 0.0775 -0.0058 0.4343 ------------ # A phase correction is not warranted because the # mean and median are under 0.1 degree. If the phase # values above had said X.YY, then we would include # this in the command: # # --rotate_angle X.YY - amplitude calibration is worth doing (1.007) - So run this: --steps2rerun rotate:apply_edit:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.0065 --auto **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 32 out of 35 amp = 1.0010 + -0.0027 (t - 30.3) phase = -0.01 + 0.0581 (t - 30.3) median mean std amplitude 0.9990 1.0010 0.0085 phase 0.0785 -0.0055 0.4352 ------------ cal/watertrk/wtcal1.png (6) look at data again to see if it looks OK (more editing needed?) - run this: (7) make web plots --interactive - view with a browser, look at webpy/index.html (8) extract data adcpdb contour/os38nb km1001c_demo os38nb --steps2rerun matfiles --auto