The R/V Falkor was funded by Schmidt Ocean Institute and was retired in 2021. This web site presents the data from Falkor.
R/V Falkor supports oceanographic research and technology development by providing a platform for these activities. Ocean current profiles are sometimes in the cruise plan, and during those times they are measured using hull-mount acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP).
Presently there are two instruments installed: a 75-kHz Ocean Surveyor (OS75), which typically reaches to 600m, and a 300-kHz Workhorse (WH300) which typically reaches to 50m-80m. Both instruments were made by Teledyne RD Instruments. The OS75 can be operated simultaneously with two types of pings: uncoded pings ("narrowband" or NB), and coded pings ("broadband" or BB). The former provides better range but less vertical resolution than the latter. The two types of pings are processed independently and presented here as separate data sets. In addition to the velocity measurements, transducer temperature measurements are shown. These should be regarded as providing only very approximate and qualitative information; the transducers are installed in fluid-filled wells, the temperature of which is often substantially higher than that of the seawater outside. At present, the temperature coming from the OS75 is locked on at 0deg C, represented as black in the vector plots. The ADCP systems are not run continuously. The data presented below comprise all cruises with more than 2 hours of ADCP data.
Acquisition of these shipboard ADCP measurements is funded by the science project at hand. Process and monitoring of the system are funded by Schmidt Ocean Institute.
Data and figures are presented via a "cruise table". Click on a cruise name to view the figures.
Falkor (too) replaced Falkor in 2023. The web site for Falkor (too) Shipboard ADCP data is located here.
For each cruise, the processed shipboard ADCP data and a corresponding estimate of the barotropic tide are provided as netcdf files, individually and aggregated by cruise and by year. For more information, follow this link.