LAST CHANGED : 2020/02/25 08:35:47 CRUISE NAME(S) : FK200126 CRUISE DATES : 2020/01/25 20:33:02 to 2020/02/25 08:35:32 SHIP NAME : Falkor PORTS : Albany, AUS to Fremantle, AUS CHIEF SCIENTIST : Julie Trotter DATABASE NAME : a_fk DATA FILES : fk2020_024_73861.raw to fk2020_055_28800.raw STATUS : to do done ------ ----------- averaged [ X ] loaded [ X ] # loaded at sea NOTE: heading correction instrument exists NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) check heading correction [ X ] calibration [ X ] edited [ X ] re-check heading correction [ X ] check editing [ X ] figures [ X ] INSTRUMENT : wh300 ACQUISITION : PROGRAM : uhdas PROCESSING: : python LOGGING : PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off) SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec) NB : number of bins BL : bin length (m) TD : transducer depth (m) BK : blanking length (m) HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg) HB : heading bias (deg) CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss BT SI NB BL TD BK HO HB CRPH 2020/01/25 20:33:02 off 120 70 2 7 2 44.63 0.00 0001 2020/01/28 00:05:15 off 120 70 2 7 2 44.63 0.00 0001 2020/02/18 23:18:40 off 120 70 2 7 2 44.63 0.00 0001 HEADING : PRIMARY : heading from gyro CORRECTION : heading correction from seapath NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) POSITIONS : gps positions from cnav CALIBRATION : wh300 original alignment: 44.63 additional rotation: none final transducer angle is: 44.63 (44.63) - (none) original scalefactor: 1.0 additional scale factor (none) final scale factor: 1.0 COMMENTS : Falkor ROV cruise off of Australia - lots of small groups of ADCP data. Falkor cruises have a small number of edited watertrack points due to procedures. In this case we use a nearby cruise with sufficient points as a measure of whether the calibration is good or not. In this case FK200308 is used, with the statistics: **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 22 out of 37 amp = 0.9998 + -0.0000 (t - 83.0) phase = -0.11 + 0.0098 (t - 83.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0020 0.9998 0.0087 phase -0.0960 -0.1090 0.2784 ------------ As the median amplitude and phase for this cruise do not need correction, we will not apply a correction to the current cruise. PROCESSOR : Joseph Gum --- processing parameters ---------- ## (determined from "sonar"): model = wh ## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 300 ## (determined from "sonar"): instname = wh300 ## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = bb beamangle 20 cruisename FK200126 datatype uhdas ens_len 120 fixfile a_fk.gps frequency 300 hcorr_inst seapath instname wh300 model wh pingtype bb proc_engine python ref_method refsm refuv_smoothwin 3 refuv_source nav sonar wh300 txy_file a_fk.agt xducer_dx 2 xducer_dy 18 yearbase 2020 ========================================= PROCESSING STEPS: ========================================= # Processing commands start in the wh300 directory. # 1. Check heading correction $ nav/a_fk.gps $ We have missing heading fixes, some of them before turning off logging, one burst in the middle of logging. We'll run patch_hcorr and see what happens. $ $ catwt **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 15 out of 26 amp = 1.0096 + 0.0004 (t - 37.1) phase = -0.08 + -0.0048 (t - 37.1) median mean std amplitude 1.0060 1.0096 0.0079 phase 0.0130 -0.0817 0.6257 ------------ $ cd cal/rotate $ $ cd ../.. $ -c . ../os75nb.orig We can see the mid logging gap fixed, but not really the end of section gaps. But that's okay - there's not much there anyway, and will be cut later. # 2. ADCP calibration $ catwt **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 15 out of 26 amp = 1.0098 + 0.0002 (t - 37.1) phase = -0.06 + -0.0008 (t - 37.1) median mean std amplitude 1.0070 1.0098 0.0068 phase 0.0260 -0.0557 0.5707 ------------ $ catbt No bottom track points found $ catxy **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from a_fk.agt calculation done at 2020/11/04 23:28:15 xducer_dx = -6.825470 xducer_dy = 0.343386 signal = 834.863707 ------------ Signal is under 1000, most likely no adjustment needed. Heading straight to editing points. # 3. Editing points $ -e Applied neighbor algorithm requiring at least *1* full neighbor to count. $ --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto $ catwt **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 11 out of 20 amp = 1.0078 + -0.0001 (t - 36.7) phase = -0.09 + 0.0162 (t - 36.7) median mean std amplitude 1.0060 1.0078 0.0054 phase 0.0180 -0.0914 0.4387 ------------ # Re-check heading correction $ Seems fine. # Check calibration Since we're using a calibration from a flanking cruise, there's not much to be done here. We compare against original data just in case. $ -c . ../wh300.orig No real changes. # 6. Make plots and files $ --interactive $ webpy $ --steps2rerun matfiles --auto $ adcpdb contour/wh300 FK200126 wh300 --ship_name Falkor $ ncdump -h contour/