LAST CHANGED : 2023/09/11 01:34:59 CRUISE NAME(S) : FKt230812 CRUISE DATES : 2023/08/16 to 2023/09/11 SHIP NAME : Falkor too PORTS : Balboa Panama to Puerto Ayora Galapagos Ecuador CHIEF SCIENTIST : Roxanne Beinart DATABASE NAME : a_ftoo DATA FILES : ftoo2023_227_64803.raw to ftoo2023_253_00000.raw STATUS : to do done ------ ----------- averaged [ X ] at sea loaded [ X ] at sea NOTE: heading correction instrument exists NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) check heading correction [ X ] calibration [ X ] edited [ X ] re-check heading correction [ X ] check editing [ X ] figures [ X ] INSTRUMENT : os38 ACQUISITION : PROGRAM : uhdas PROCESSING : python LOGGING : PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off) SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec) NB : number of bins BL : bin length (m) TD : transducer depth (m) BK : blanking length (m) HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg) HB : heading bias (deg) CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss BT SI NB BL TD BK HO HB CRPH 2023/08/16 18:05:09 off 300 75 24 7 16 0.21 0.00 0001 HEADING : PRIMARY : heading from gyro1 CORRECTION : heading correction from seapath NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) POSITIONS : gps positions from posmv_gps CALIBRATION : (check original processing parameters) (1) transducer alignment original transducer alignment: 0.21 additional rotation 0 final transducer angle is: 0.21 (2) scale factor original scale factor 1 additional scale factor (none) (3) ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS original: xducer_dx xducer_dy correction 0 -10 final offset 0 -10 COMMENTS : To regenerate the figures for was run first. Gaps in the heading correction were present, and was applied. Data below the bottom was removed, as well as small bits of data at the the bottom of the sonars range was removded. PROCESSOR : Jamie Ash --- final processing parameters from dbinfo.txt ---------- # # written 2023/08/16 18:05:15 # this file contains CODAS info #name, value pairs #-------------------- ## (determined from "sonar"): model = os ## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 38 ## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os38 ## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = nb beamangle 30.0 cruisename FKt230812 datatype uhdas dbname a_ftoo ens_len 300 fixfile a_ftoo.gps frequency 38 hcorr_inst seapath instname os38 model os pingtype nb proc_engine python ref_method refsm refuv_smoothwin 3 refuv_source uvship sonar os38nb txy_file a_ftoo.agt xducer_dx 1 xducer_dy -10 yearbase 2023 ================================================== POST PROCESSING STEPS: ================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 1. Check visual oddities ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # I ran this to generate the figures for --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto ### Run this: (to look for gaps in the cruise track) nav/a*.gps # I ran this: (to interpolate for missing heading correction fixes) cd cal/rotate cd ../.. # In need of patch_hcorr cannot to correct heading sin the cruise track. # There is no need to apply any calibratiuon adjustments for this cruise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 2. ADCP calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 25 out of 27 amp = 1.0024 + 0.0001 (t - 240.0) phase = 0.12 + 0.0164 (t - 240.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0010 1.0024 0.0040 phase 0.0620 0.1242 0.2809 ------------ (python3) [jules@joules os38nb]$ catxy **transducer-gps offset** ------------ guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from a_ftoo.agt calculation done at 2023/12/05 00:58:52 xducer_dx = -1.531111 xducer_dy = -0.338214 signal = 826.433155 ------------] no additional calibration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 3. Editing points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # To go through the dataset and edit out bad values I ran. -e # To recompute the calibration residuals I ran. --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto # Check whether the uvship algorithm helps cd .. cp -a os38nb os38nb_nouvship cd os38nb --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --refuv_source uvship --auto -c . ../os38nb_nouvship # Most of the cruise was on station or moving very slowly, so # uvship made very little difference. There were a few occasions # where it was clearly beneficial, so leave it in. ### Rerun the watertrack calibration after editing and uvship getting watertrack from cal/watertrk/adcpcal.out **watertrack** ----------- Number of edited points: 22 out of 23 median mean std amplitude 1.0050 1.0060 0.0039 phase 0.1490 0.1713 0.2998 ----------- # Not really enough points for meaningful statistics here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 4. Check edited, calibrated dataset against original dataset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### Run this: (Has this corrected the problems in the original?) -c . ../os38nb.orig ### Run this to compare this sonar with another sonar (after both are finished) -c ../wh300 . # There are generally only 3 bins of os38nb data within the wh300 effective # depth range, so this comparison does not work well. -c ../ec150fm . # When the ship is on station, the differences between the sonars are pretty # clearly due to resolution differences--horizontal stripes of positive and # negative differences in regions of high vertical shear and little # disagreement in low shear occasions. However, there is clearly a problem # when the ship is steaming--entire profiles are offset. It appears not to # be a problem with transducer angle, but instead of scale factor: when # headed east on dday 232.3, the ec150fm has lower u and while heading west # on dday 232.5, the ec150fm has higher u. Since u is eastward water # velocity, it means the ec150fm has a smaller velocity in the forward # direction (or the os38nb is biased towards zero relative to the ship). -c ../os38bb . # In general, this is exactly what one hopes for in such a comparison: # a generally random-appearing sprinkling of small-scale differences. # No surprise, since it's the same hardware. However, there is a period # from dday 239.0 to 239.5 where the os38bb sees a reversal in flow # between 450 and 550 m. May be an artifact due to a relatively strong # scattering layer there. This appears to happen repeatedly at night, # when much of the biomass scattering the ping has migrated to shallow # water, leaving weaker deep scattering. Not at all sure which sonar is # more correct. ### Attempt quantitative comparisons of reference layer velocities ### using --plotfp --zrange $MIN:$MAX $SONAR1 $SONAR2 ### --plotfp --zrange 30:180 ../os38nb ../ec150fm ======> NOTE ABOUT CALIBRATIONS <======= If there was a reason to apply a calibration to ec150fm for it to better match os38nb, these are APPROXIMATE values to use. Use these as if they came from cal/watertrk or cal/botmtrk. scale factor:f 0.996 to ec150fm rotation angle: 0.14deg to ec150fm ================ --plotfp --zrange 30:180 ../os38nb ../ec150cw zrange is 30:180 parts is ['30', '180'] ======> NOTE ABOUT CALIBRATIONS <======= If there was a reason to apply a calibration to ec150cw for it to better match os38nb, these are APPROXIMATE values to use. Use these as if they came from cal/watertrk or cal/botmtrk. scale factor:f 0.985 to ec150cw rotation angle: -0.35deg to ec150cw ================ # These are consistent with the observation that the os38nb has a higher # scale factor than the ec150. Odd that the recommended angle corrections # are of opposite sign, but that's probably just an indication of how # uncertain these comparisons are. (The ec150fm operated only for part of the # the beginning of the cruise while the ec150cw only operated near the end.) --plotfp --zrange 30:800 ../os38nb ../os38bb zrange is 30:800 parts is ['30', '800'] ======> NOTE ABOUT CALIBRATIONS <======= If there was a reason to apply a calibration to os38bb for it to better match os38nb, these are APPROXIMATE values to use. Use these as if they came from cal/watertrk or cal/botmtrk. scale factor:f 1.002 to os38bb rotation angle: -0.01deg to os38bb ================ # Since it's the same hardware, it is no surprise that the agreement is quite # nice, particularly in the transducer angle. Interesting that there does # appear to be a noticeable difference in scale factor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### 5. Make plots and files ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # I ran this to divvy up the cruise sections. mkdir webpy cp ../wh300/webpy/sectinfo.txt webpy --redo # I ran this to extract matlab files. --steps2rerun matfiles --auto # I ran this to extract a netCDF file. adcpdb contour/os38nb FKt230812 os38nb --ship_name "Falkor too" # I ran this to look at the headers. ncdump -h contour/ |egrep '(cruise_id|sonar|platform|yearbase)' # complete.