LAST CHANGED : 2014/07/31 04:53:04 CRUISE NAME(S) : P16S_2014 (nbp1403) CRUISE DATES : 2014/03/24 to 2014/05/03 SHIP NAME : N.B. Palmer PORTS : Hobart, Tasmania, Australia to Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia CHIEF SCIENTIST : Lynne Talley DATABASE NAME : aship DATA FILES : np2014_078_36088.raw to np2014_124_50400.raw STATUS : to do done ------ ----------- averaged [ y ] loaded [ y ] NOTE: heading correction instrument exists NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) check heading correction [ y ] calibration [ y ] edited [ y ] re-check heading correction [ y ] check editing [ y ] figures [ y ] INSTRUMENT : os38 ACQUISITION : PROGRAM : uhdas PROCESSING: : python LOGGING : PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off) SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec) NB : number of bins BL : bin length (m) TD : transducer depth (m) BK : blanking length (m) HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg) HB : heading bias (deg) CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss BT SI NB BL TD BK HO HB CRPH 2014/03/20 10:06:30 off 300 60 24 7 16 44.64 0.00 0001 HEADING : PRIMARY : heading from gyro CORRECTION : heading correction from seapath1 NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) POSITIONS : gps positions from gpsnav CALIBRATION : original transducer orientation: 44.64 transducer depth: 7.0 (check original processing parameters) additional rotation 0 final transducer angle is: (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle) applied scale factor 1 additional scale factor (none) COMMENTS : There appears to be an overall bias in the direction of travel in the shallowest two bins or so, at least when compared to the NB150, but it's subtle enough that it was hard to identify specific occasions to edit out, so I left them in. One should be cautions interpreting the shallow along-track data. COMMENTS : 1) The data sources all behaved pretty reliably. There were no gaps in the gyro, GPS, or Seapath 200 used for heading correction. The ADCPs operated continuously without changes in sampling. In short, it should be relatively straightforward to set up processing. 2) In contrast, a large fraction of the ADCP data are compromised by rough seas and bubbles caused by the bow thruster when on station. Much of this is automatically edited away, but much had to be edited by hand. 3) We were in shallow water only for brief periods at the beginning and end. Bottom editing and previous ping interference were only im- portant for a very small fraction of the cruise. There was no bottom track data. 4) There were other sound sources aboard, which have some potential to cause interference. They include a multibeam, a Knudsen, and sources on the rosette, including a WH150, an altimeter (both pointing down) and a WH300 (pointed up) after station 68. 5) The OS38 was clearly affected on many occasions by scattering layers, which can distort depth profiles as backscatter from the edge of the beam overwhelms weak returns from the center. This is particularly obvious during daily vertical migration of zooplankton, from depths around 500 m during the day to shallow water at night. The effects were often noticeable between yearday 84 to 106. (Yearday is defined according to the UHDAS standard where January 1 is day 0, so day 84 is March 26th). 7) Bubbles may have caused some underway bias in the direction of motion. The effect is strongest near the surface, and the shallowest bin was often edited out, but subtle effects may remain. 6) Transitions between stations and transits were considerably better when was invoked with --refuv_source uvship . PROCESSOR : Steven Howell --- processing parameters ---------- ## (determined from "sonar"): model = os ## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 38 ## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = nb ## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os38 badbeam None beamangle 30 configtype python cruisename nbp1403 datatype uhdas dbname aship ens_len 300 fixfile aship.gps hcorr_inst seapath1 pgmin 50 proc_engine python ref_method refsm refuv_smoothwin 3 refuv_source nav sonar os38nb txy_file aship.agt xducer_dx 2 xducer_dy 10 yearbase 2014 #=============================================================== # Processing procedures # # Set up the processing directory: os38nb --datatype uhdas --cruisename nbp1403 cd os38nb # Make a control file cat << EOF > q_py.cnt ####----- begin q_py.cnt------------ ## all lines after the first "#" sign are ignored ## python processing --yearbase 2014 --cruisename nbp1403 # used to identify configuration files # *must* match prefix of files in config dir --update_gbin ## NOTE: You should generally remake gbins ## - you are not sure ## - if parameters for averaging changed ## - various other reasons. ## ==> MAKE SURE you move the original gbin directory ## to another name first!! --configtype python ## <=== USE THE NEW FILE WE CREATED --sonar os38nb --dbname aship --datatype uhdas --ens_len 300 --ping_headcorr ## applies heading correction. ## settings found in config files --max_search_depth 2000 ## Added because this failed to work in config file --xducer_dx 2 ## Added because this failed to work in config file --xducer_dy 10 ## Added because this failed to work in config file --auto # Automatically answer yes to all questions EOF # move earlier gbins out of the way (if necesesary) so they can be remade. mv /home/data/nbp1403/gbin /home/data/nbp1403/gbin_nb150 # run --cntfile q_py.cnt # check calibration **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 130 out of 149 amp = 1.0016 + -0.0000 (t - 109.5) phase = -0.15 + 0.0056 (t - 109.5) median mean std amplitude 1.0020 1.0016 0.0076 phase -0.0895 -0.1506 0.4113 ------------ conclude: amplitude might go to 1.002. Phase isn't far off, but might take a tweak. # rerun quick_adcp using uvship. This calculates average ship velocity # over the pings that were actually used in the ensemble average. It # particularly helps in cases where the ship speed changes a lot # (coming on and off station, usually) and the fraction of useful # pings is a strong function of ship speed (due to bubbles or the bow # thruster). --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --refuv_source uvship --auto # edit the data. This is kind of subjective. I cleaned up below-bottom # data at the start, obvious biases and noise when data were really # sparse, and frequently removed the top bin when there was clearly a # bias in the direction of motion. I was fairly conservative; # depending on what future users need to do with the data, further # editing may be necessary. cd edit -n 6 # apply editing: cd .. --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib --auto # check editing -- looks OK # check calibrations again **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 124 out of 141 amp = 1.0023 + -0.0001 (t - 110.0) phase = -0.12 + 0.0034 (t - 110.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0030 1.0023 0.0067 phase -0.0635 -0.1180 0.3629 ------------ # still need scale factor and rotation corrections: --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.0027 --rotate_angle -0.070 --auto **watertrack** ------------ Number of edited points: 124 out of 142 amp = 0.9995 + -0.0001 (t - 109.9) phase = -0.05 + 0.0034 (t - 109.9) median mean std amplitude 1.0000 0.9995 0.0071 phase 0.0050 -0.0530 0.3578 ------------ # Looks okay # Make plots: mkdir webpy cp ../nb150/webpy/sectinfo.txt webpy --redo # Extract data adcpdb contour/os38nb km1001c_demo os38nb --steps2rerun matfiles --auto # Finis