SHIP NAME : Ronald H. Brown CRUISE : A16N (rb0304) DATES : 2003/06/19 to 2003/08/11 PORTS : Reykjavik, Iceland to Funchal, Madiera (leg1) to Natal, Brazil (leg2) 2_PORTS: Charleston, SC - Reykjavik, Iceland (transit) Reykjavik, Iceland - Funchal, Madiera (leg1) Funchal, Madiera - Fortaleza, Brazil (leg2) CHIEF SCIENTIST : John Bullister DB_NAME : a0304 PINGDATA : transit + leg1: pingdata000-pingdata.034 leg2: pingdata.000-pingdata.029 STATUS : JH: final reprocessing for release; done 2003/10/06 COMMENTS : (1) Spotty data coverage during transit (economic zones) (2) transit: much of the northstar gps data is nonexistant (no secondary navigation sensor) (3a) leg1 + leg2 heading correction is quality-controlled (3b) one spot was patched (heading correction modelled) (4) correction applied for offset between transducer and gps antennas BLOCK DIRECTORY HEADER (1) setup: link pingdata files to ping directory (linkping.prl) (0a) \ --yearbase 2003 --datatype pingdata --no_head_corr --dbname a0304 \ --progdir /home/ulili/programs --auto --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 \ --use_refsm --datafile_glob "pingdata.*" (0b) delete pre-cruise data delblk adcpdb/a0304 3 2003 03 28 19 23 53 to 2003 06 007 09 56 05 y (2a) make seapath-gyro correction (see cal/rotate/final_dh.m) figures: cal/rotate/ (final seapath correction) on transit and cruise, calculated from single-ping seapath-gyro differences, averaged over the same timeranges as the pingdata. Two missing seapath chunks (due to operator error) are patched as shown: patch_dh/ (example of seapath correction and what must be edited out with glitch) patch_dh/ (shows correlation between seapath correction and ship speed (i.e. on-station vs underway) patch_dh/ (final results of detrending seapath-gyro difference with latitude and then modelling underway correction final seapath-gyro correction is [transit + patched cruise] (2b) rotate rotate1.tmp a0304.ang (see (2a)), amplitude = 1; phase = 0.3 (2c) check calibration steps --yearbase 2003 --datatype pingdata --auto \ --progdir /home/ulili/programs --no_head_corr --dbname a0304 \ --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --use_refsm --steps2rerun navsteps:calib ** watertrack ** Number of edited points: 289 out of 302 amp = 1.0083 + -0.0000 (t - 195.0) phase = 0.10 + 0.0020 (t - 195.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0090 1.0083 0.0066 phase 0.1060 0.0985 0.3662 ** bottom track unedited: 253 points edited: 181 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev median mean std amplitude 1.0088 1.0087 0.0032 phase 0.0818 0.0749 0.2060 (3) fix temperature (edit/fixtemp/fixtemp.m) new temperature: (add mean diff (ctd-adcp = -.2) to adcp temperatures) new salinity: (interpolate CTD temperatures; extrapolate western transit using TS diagram for data north of 25N, capping at 37psu. figures: edit/fixtemp/ figures: edit/fixtemp/ fix_temp fix_temp.tmp --yearbase 2003 --datatype pingdata --auto \ --progdir /home/ulili/programs --no_head_corr --dbname a0304 \ --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --use_refsm --steps2rerun navsteps:calib ** watertrack Number of edited points: 289 out of 302 amp = 1.0080 + -0.0000 (t - 195.0) phase = 0.10 + 0.0020 (t - 195.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0080 1.0080 0.0067 phase 0.1000 0.0985 0.3652 ** bottom track unedited: 253 points edited: 180 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev median mean std amplitude 1.0089 1.0088 0.0032 phase 0.0810 0.0737 0.2058 (4) final rotation: --yearbase 2003 --datatype pingdata --auto \ --progdir /home/ulili/programs --no_head_corr --dbname a0304 \ --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --use_refsm --rotate_angle 0.08 \ --rotate_amplitude 1.0085 --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib ** watertrack Number of edited points: 289 out of 302 amp = 0.9995 + -0.0000 (t - 195.0) phase = 0.02 + 0.0020 (t - 195.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0000 0.9995 0.0066 phase 0.0210 0.0173 0.3648 ** bottom track unedited: 253 points edited: 179 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev median mean std amplitude 1.0004 1.0003 0.0031 phase 0.0014 -0.0057 0.2055 TOTAL CALIBRATION APPLIED TO DATABASE: PHASE = 0.3*0.08 = 0.024 deg; AMPLITUDE = 1.0085 no further calibration applied to database (4) apply edit, rerun navsteps, run calib, make matfiles - underway bias in bad weather, 178.8-178.9 --yearbase 2003 --datatype pingdata --auto \ --progdir /home/ulili/programs --no_head_corr --dbname a0304 \ --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --use_refsm --steps2rerun navsteps:calib