SHIP NAME : Ronald H. Brown LAST CHANGED : Fri Aug 20 11:29:48 HST 2004 CRUISE : A16S (rb0501) CRUISE DATES : 2005/01/11 to 2005/02/26 PORTS : Punta Arenas, Chile to Fortaleza, Brazil CHIEF SCIENTIST : Rik Wanninkhof DB_NAME : a0501 DATA FILES : pingdata.000 - pingdata.048 STATUS : averaged, loaded, edited, heading corrected, done. INSTRUMENTs : NB150 ACQUISITION PROGRAM : DAS2.48 PING TYPE : narrowband PARAMS : blank= 8 (BK) (see adcpdb/\*cnh after first pass) pulse = 8 (PL) bin length= 8 (BL) number of bins= 56 (NB) HEADING PRIMARY : gyro CORRECTION : aging Seatex POSITIONS : unknown GPS CALIBRATION : first application, 0.35deg, amplitude 1.009, then edit COMMENTS : Ron Brown Seapath often flakes out on turns, at station : boundries, and at will. No QC info available (because of its : ancient firmware) but wild swings in cross-track velocity : are the big clue. This often kills watertrack : calibrations. : The GPS used for positions if aft starboard; the transducers are : forward center. A translation is used to try and compensate : for this, which has moderate success. There are still a few small (few : cm/s) velocity transients at some on/off station boundaries. ------------------------------------------------------- (0) A16S #----------------------- (1) command line: cd A16S cd ping; ln -s /home/moli4/datasets/ron_brown/A16S/PINGDATA.* . cd .. #----------------------- (2a) set up control file: q_py.cnt: (for first processing) ### q_py.cnt is --yearbase 2005 ### for decimal day conversion --dbname a0501 ### database name, in adcpdb --use_refsm ### could use --use_smoothr --datatype pingdata ### this is the default --datafile_glob PINGDATA.??? ### DO NOT quote the wildcards --auto ### end of q_py.cnt (2b) run it: --cntfile q_py.cnt *** watertrack *** Number of edited points: 241 out of 248 amp = 1.0096 + 0.0001 (t - 33.0) phase = 0.35 + -0.0029 (t - 33.0) median mean std amplitude 1.0100 1.0096 0.0074 phase 0.3580 0.3507 0.4736 #----------------------- (3) rotate : q_pyrot.cnt ### start q_pyrot.cnt --yearbase 2005 ### for decimal day conversion --use_refsm ### could use --use_smoothr --rotate_angle 0.35 ### rotation --rotate_amplitude 1.009 ### amplitude --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib ### do these steps --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --auto ### end q_pyrot.cnt --cntfile q_pyrot.cnt ** watertrack ** Number of edited points: 241 out of 249 amp = 0.9989 + 0.0001 (t - 33.2) phase = 0.00 + -0.0033 (t - 33.2) median mean std amplitude 0.9990 0.9989 0.0063 phase 0.0200 0.0022 0.4223 #----------------------- (4) edit; apply editing q_pyedit.cnt ### start q_pyrot.cnt --yearbase 2005 ### for decimal day conversion --use_refsm ### could use --use_smoothr --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib ### do these steps --xducer_dx -1 --xducer_dy 26 --auto ### end q_pyedit.cnt --cntfile q_pyedit.cnt ** watertrack ** Number of edited points: 222 out of 238 amp = 0.9990 + 0.0001 (t - 33.6) phase = -0.01 + -0.0049 (t - 33.6) median mean std amplitude 0.9990 0.9990 0.0058 phase 0.0200 -0.0093 0.4079 ** bottom track (beginning only) *** unedited: 794 points edited: 427 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev median mean std amplitude 0.9964 0.9963 0.0041 phase 0.0320 0.0185 0.3258 ###############################