LAST CHANGED : 2024/03/01 00:21:18 CRUISE NAME(S) : A16N_leg1 (rb2301_leg1) CRUISE DATES : 2023/03/06 to 2023/04/07 SHIP NAME : Ron Brown PORTS : Natal, Brazil to Madeira, Portugal CHIEF SCIENTIST : Erickson, Zach DATABASE NAME : a_rb DATA FILES : rb2023_065_29442 - rb2023_094_72000 STATUS : to do done ------ ----------- averaged [ X ] loaded [ X ] NOTE: heading correction instrument exists NOTE: time-dependent heading correction status must be determined check heading correction [ X ] calibration [ X ] edited [ X ] re-check heading correction [ X ] check editing [ X ] figures [ X ] INSTRUMENT : os75bb ACQUISITION : PROGRAM : uhdas PROCESSING: : python LOGGING : PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off) SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec) NB : number of bins BL : bin length (m) TD : transducer depth (m) BK : blanking length (m) HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg) HB : heading bias (deg) CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss BT SI NB BL TD BK HO HB CRPH 2023/03/07 08:15:45 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/03/15 16:15:43 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/03/18 19:15:43 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/03/20 21:15:44 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/03/25 01:15:44 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/03/31 07:15:45 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 2023/04/04 05:48:35 off 300 80 4 5 8 51.70 0.00 0001 HEADING : PRIMARY : heading from gyro CORRECTION : heading correction from posmv NOTE: time-dependent heading corrections applied IN the ensembles (see cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.ang) POSITIONS : gps positions from gpsnav CALIBRATION : (check original processing parameters) (1) transducer alignment original transducer alignment: 51.7 additional rotation -0.104 final transducer angle is: 51.596 (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle) (2) scale factor original scale factor 1 additional scale factor (none) (3) ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS original: -6 xducer_dx 4 xducer_dy correction -2 2 final offset -8 6 COMMENTS : There is ctd wire interference Removing scattering layer tails PROCESSOR : David Vadnais --- final processing parameters from dbinfo.txt ---------- # written 2023/03/07 08:15:51 # this file contains CODAS info #name, value pairs #-------------------- ## (determined from "sonar"): model = os ## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 75 ## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os75 ## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = bb beamangle 30 cruisename RB-23-01_GO-SHIP_Leg1 datatype uhdas dbname a_rb ens_len 300 fixfile a_rb.gps frequency 75 hcorr_inst posmv instname os75 model os pingtype bb proc_engine python ref_method refsm refuv_smoothwin 3 refuv_source uvship sonar os75bb txy_file a_rb.agt xducer_dx -8 xducer_dy 6 yearbase 2023 ================================================== POST PROCESSING STEPS: ================================================== -------------------------- ### 1. Check visual oddities -------------------------- ### Run this: nav/a*.gps There is ctd wire interference Removing scattering layer tails ### Run this: ### Run this: lost heading when the cruise is just starting are just being restarted out of an eez Adjusted first points Post stop start seemed to work fine with the aglorithm ### Run this: cd cal/rotate cd ../.. Adjusted first points Post stop start seemed to work fine with the aglorithm ### Run this: **watertrack** ----------- Number of edited points: 156 out of 158 median mean std amplitude 1.0030 1.0037 0.0081 phase -0.1040 -0.1120 0.4245 ----------- ### Run this: ### Run this: **transducer-gps offset** ----------- guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from a_rb.agt calculation done at 2023/04/05 21:29:51 xducer_dx = -2.175559 xducer_dy = 2.372607 signal = 1367.947880 --------------------- ### 2. ADCP calibration --------------------- ### Run this: (look at the watertrack calibration residuals remaining) **watertrack** ----------- Number of edited points: 156 out of 158 median mean std amplitude 1.0030 1.0039 0.0082 phase -0.1040 -0.1114 0.4244 ### Run this: ### Run this: **transducer-gps offset** ----------- guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from a_rb.agt calculation done at 2024/03/05 21:02:02 xducer_dx = -2.125457 xducer_dy = 2.438768 signal = 1367.947889 ----------- --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_amplitude 1.0030 --rotate_angle -0.1040 --xducer_dx -2 --xducer_dy 2 --auto ### Run this: **watertrack** ----------- Number of edited points: 156 out of 158 median mean std amplitude 1.0000 1.0008 0.0081 phase -0.0060 -0.0093 0.4216 ----------- ### Run this: (look at the offset again) **transducer-gps offset** ----------- guessing ADCP (dx=starboard, dy=fwd) meters from GPS positions from a_rb.agt calculation done at 2024/03/05 21:10:13 xducer_dx = -0.054603 xducer_dy = 0.378657 signal = 1367.947889 ----------- ------------------- ### 3. Editing points ------------------- ### Run this: (to go through the dataset and edit out bad values) -e ### Run this: (to recompute the calibration residuals) --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto ### Run this: ### Run this: -------------------------------------------------- ### 4. Re-check heading correction and other figures -------------------------------------------------- ### Run this: (Is there anything strange with any of the figures?) -------------------------------------------------------------- ### 5. Check edited, calibrated dataset against original dataset -------------------------------------------------------------- ### Run this: (Has this corrected the problems in the original?) -c . ../os75bb.orig ### Run this to compare this sonar with another sonar (after both are finished) -c ../os75nb . Due to artifcates on the last day of the cruise we decided to run our uvship algorithm on the data. --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --refuv_source uvship --auto This looks better ------------------------- ### 6. Make plots and files ------------------------- ### Run this: --interactive ~5 day chunks with care for the data gap ### Run this to extract matlab files --steps2rerun matfiles --auto ### Run this to extract a netCDF file adcpdb contour/os75bb RB2301 os75bb --ship_name RON_BROWN ### Run this to look at the headers ncdump -h contour/