UHDAS Shipboard ADCP data


... CODAS processing makes data accessible ...


UHDAS is a shipboard ADCP acquisition system developed at the University of Hawaii; CODAS is the processing framework used by UHDAS. UHDAS is in use on all ships in the U.S. Academic research fleet, on all the NOAA Fisheries ships, and a handful of other international or private vessels. Since CODAS processing is already run automatically at sea as part of the UHDAS system, data snippets and settings are viewed daily by the UHDAS Team to try and ensure that they are as close to "science-ready" as possible. Final editing and small calibration changes are needed, but in general the data are useful immediately.

UNOLS ships send their cruise data to R2R (Rolling Deck to Repository) who catalog and submit the data to national repositories, in this case NCEI (National Centers for Environmental Information). An extremely useful project in NCEI is the Global Ocean Current Database. Of particlar interest here are the portions related to shipboard ADCP data:

  1. JASADCP (Joint Archive for Shipboard ADCP) which archives fully-processed science-ready data

  2. The NCEI holdings of the UHDAS data submitted by R2R

This UHDAS Shipboard ADCP data web site is a visual presentation of the CODAS datasets coming from the UHDAS systems on ships. The goal is to provide near-science-ready data at sea for plotting, preliminary calculations, and operations. Sometimes that works well, sometomes there are problems. This web site contains plots, a netCDF file, diagnostics, and settings for each sonar+pingtype in the UHDAS dataset.

An ADCP dataset can be 1-10 gigabytes depending on cruise length and instruments present. Those data can be archived, but the 100Mb of processed data, figures, and diagnostics, can be kept alive on a spinning disk for convenient assessment.

CODAS processing is a free, documented, and supported, open source toolbox for the steps outlined above. Software can be installed on Mac or Linux machines, or can be run via a virtual computer (also a free download).

See the CODAS+UHDAS Documentation for more detail