WOCE Atlantic Shipboard ADCP data

WOCE cruises in the Atlantic included data from a hull-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), which measures the velocity of the upper-ocean currents below the ship. Thermistor temperature and salinity were corrected using local CTD and onboard flowthrough system data.

Links to contour and vector plots of the velocity data in gif and postscript format are provided below. Selecting either gif or postscript format will access an image map of the cruise track with upper layer velocity vectors superimposed. Selection of any of the labeled sections (click on the letter) will show a vector plot of upper ocean velocities over topography, with temperatures color-coded on the vectors. (Colored vectors for each section are flanked by an additional region plotted in black for context). Contour plots of both zonal and meridional velocity versus depth and the appropriate horizontal dimension are accessible from the vector plot. The contour plots display shaded velocity values between +/- 100 cm s-1. Bold contours occur on 50 cm s-1 intervals and light contours occur on 10 cm s-1 intervals. All cruises were plotted using one temperature scale: which ranged from -1.2 C to 21.3 C.

NOTE: If you experience difficulty choosing a particular section plot, (because the labels are packed too tightly), try going to the section list (from any vector or contour plot) and loading from there.

All plots were made in matlab: projections used in vector plots came from the m_map package

CRUISE NAMES: kn9611, kn147_2

Cruise went clockwise from the Azores to Greenland, and on to the coast of Ireland, ending in Southampton, England: includes several "spokes" emanating from the British Isles. Chief Scientist was Mike McCartney.

choose sections or download postscript

CRUISE NAMES: kn9705, kn151_3

Transit went from Woods Hole, MA to the Azores, and returned to Halifax, Nova Scotia at the end. The cruise went counterclockwise from the Azores to the coast of Ireland, (includes several "spokes" emanating from the British Isles, on to Greenland, and back to the Azores. Chief scientist was Lynne Talley.

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CRUISE NAMSE: kn9710, kn154_1

Transit went from Woods Hole, MA to the Azores, and returned to Woods Hole, AM at the end. The cruise went clockwise from the Azores to Iceland, west to Greenland, southeast to the coast of Ireland and back to the Azores (includes some detail off the coast of Ireland). Chief scientist was Ruth Curry.

choose sections or download postscript

These data were processed at the University of Hawaii.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9531885.

Questions or comments should be directed to the local webmaster.