Extracting files with getmat

Newer UHDAS installations do this automatically. The output files are in contour/allbins_*.mat.

The easiest way to extract the files is with

quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles --auto

but here are instructions to extract these files yourself if that is necessary.

  1. This requires access to the executable program “getmat”. This should already be configured as part of a working CODAS processing intallation.

  2. Choose a location to run the command where you have write permission. Files will be written to the current working directory. They can then be loaded into matlab

  3. Identify processing directory path. You need to specify the path to the database name. The database name is the collection of charcters preceding “dir.blk” in the adcpdb subdirectory.

When the quick_adcp.py above is run, all it is doing is:

cd contour
getmat -rs -f allbins_ ../adcpdb/a_km