1.5.1. Post-processing an older cruise

Every effort is made for quick_adcp.py

  • to be internally consistent

  • to prompt the user if something is missing

  • to have decent defaults for most common circumstances

If you run the command quick_adcp.py --help, the processing options should look like this:

To see commands for various data types, use --commands as follows.
--------------------------------------   ------------------------------
quick_adcp.py --commands  postproc     :   UHDAS post-processing
quick_adcp.py --commands  uhdaspy      :   UHDAS processing
quick_adcp.py --commands  ltapy        :   LTA or STA files (averaged) (**)
quick_adcp.py --commands  enrpy        :   ENR files (beam coords)
quick_adcp.py --commands  pingdata     :   original pingdata demo
======================================   ==============================

(**) LTA and STA processing can now be processed more quickly using vmdas_quick_ltaproc.py. Try typing vmdas_quick_ltaproc.py --help for more information

If the command quick_adcp.py --help produces any references to matlab processing, then your programs are old and this version of the documentation will have limited use. You should have your own copy of the documentation in the directory where you put the CODAS software. That is the appropriate resource, because it should be consistent with your own code. This would be an excellent time to install a new Virtual Computer so you are running up-to-date code.

Storing metadata

When quick_adcp.py runs, it caches (stores) some command-line options in a file called dbinfo.txt. This file is used to look up values that do not have defaults, which were specified during the original run, so you do not have to type them again each time. There are some cases in which these values might change: quick_adcp.py expects a specific format and values in the file, so do not edit this file by hand.


Information about the dataset, such as year and ADCP model, are cached in a file called “dbinfo.txt” during processing. This file was only implemented with Python processsing, so if you are post-processing a UHDAS dataset that was processed at sea by an earlier version of the software (eg. using Matlab), then there is no dbinfo.txt file. If “dbinfo.txt” does not exist, you must supply the information so quick_adcp.py can generate the file properly.

The best commands to run are to reset the navigation (improving an older approach to ship speeds) and recalculate the calibrations. Each time you run it, let quick_adcp.py prompt you (complain) as another variable is discovered missing: go ahead and specify the missing information as needed. Once quick_adcp.py has enough information, it will write the values out to dbinfo.txt and proceed. You will probably have to provide values for variables such as yearbase, --cruisename, --sonar, --beamangle. This step is a small but unfortunate requirement for compatibility of newer software with older processing directories.

Run quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto

At each error, include the information in the quick_adcp.py command line until it runs.


solution: add to commands

ERROR – must select datatype

“–datatype uhdas”

ERROR – must set “sonar”

“–sonar os38nb”

ERROR – must set “beamangle”

“–beamangle 30” (see NOTE #1)

ERROR – must set “yearbase”

“–yearbase 2010”

ERROR – must set “ens_len “

“–ens_len 300” (see NOTE #2)

ERROR – must set “cruisename”

“–cruisename km1001c”

NOTE #1: The variable ens_len (seconds per averaging enseble) must match the averaging length in seconds that was used when originally processing the data.

NOTE #2: Beam angles are usually (but not always) as follows:


beam angle (degrees)

os38, os75, os150


wh300, wh600, wh1200


bb75, bb150, bb300, bb600

usually 30

nb150, nb300

usually 30


quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun calib --datatype uhdas --cruisename km1001c --yearbase 2010 --sonar os38nb --beamangle 30 --auto