2.6.1. Getting CODAS Mercurial Components

This is the first of four final steps required to get the CODAS software installed on the computer built using earlier sections of this documentation.


If you are running the pre-built virtual computer, you can skip this step. It is already done.

Mercurial is a distributed version control system. We use it to store and track changes in CODAS software. By any of the options (1,2,3) for installation, Mercurial should already be installed.

Make a location for CODAS software

Make a directory that will hold two folders
  1. programs (for these mercurial repositories and a few zip archives)

  2. topog (for topography)

for example:

  • ubuntu or OSX: ~/adcpcode

For this documentation, we chose to match the directory used in the Ubuntu Virtual computer, so we used /home/adcpcode. If you decide to do this, You need to use the sudo command to make these directories, and then change permissions so the appropriate users can read/write to that location. For example:

sudo mkdir /home/adcpcode
sudo chown youruser:yourgroup /home/adcpcode

Now that you have the adcpcode directory, make the two subdirectories, so you have

  • /home/adcpcode/programs

  • /home/adcpcode/topog

All codas mercurial repositories, plus CODAS documentation must land in the adcpcode/programs (or equivalent) directory. This programs directory is the directory in which you will run hg clone to make repositories.

CODAS Python programs directory layout

Using Mercurial to clone repositories is fast and easy, especially for subsequent updates. You are strongly encouraged to use Mercurial for these directories. If you do, and find a bug, we can fix the bug and you can get an update that addresses the problem.

In a terminal window, change directories to your programs directory and clone these four (4) repositories as follows:

hg clone   http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg/codas3          codas3
hg clone   http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg/pycurrents      pycurrents
hg clone   http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg/onship          onship
hg clone   http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg/uhdas           uhdas

That’s it. You you have the code. (you still have to compile and install it)

You can browse the code at the web site http://currents.soest.hawaii.edu/hg. Compiling CODAS and Python extension code

Now you need to compile and install the code. There are 3 directories, each with a specific set of instructions.

  1. codas3: compile CODAS, which will create binary (executable) programs that actually do the processing, and libraries we used to extend the Python code.

  2. pycurrents: compile and install Python extension code, allowing us to use the CODAS libraries as well as all the rest of the CODAS Python code

  3. install the uhdas python code

  4. install the onship python code

For the next step, follow the appropriate instructions for: