1.6.3. Special Processing SituationsΒΆ
How do I process an Ocean Surveyor cruise that has some chunks of broadband and some chunks of narrowband data? Try these instructions.
I have a UHDAS+CODAS Python processing directory with a high-frequency instrument, in shallow water, and almost no bottom track points are avaliable. How do I increase the number of bottom track points? Try these instructions
I have a UHDAS+CODAS Python processing directory with lots of short, straight segments, surveying a small feature at slow speeds. How can I increase the number of watertrack points? Try these instructions
I have a cruise with shallow parts (with bottom track points) and deep parts (with watertrack calibration). How can I combine them to get a better result? Try these instructions
How do I load the netCDF file into Ocean Data Viewer? Try these instructions
I need to print out a simple sheet showing scientists what UHDAS does. Where can I find one? Try this figure