Extracting files with adcpsect

You must have access to the executable file “adcpsect” for your computer.


  1. Use quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles to generate the adcpsect output

  2. to adjust, either

    • find the control file written by quick_adcp.py and alter it, then run again

    • or download example control file from web link, modify example control file (adcpsect_example.cnt) and run as

      adcpsect adcpsect_example.cnt

Additional information: Example adcpsect control file

This control file works for Windows, Mac, and Linux users. Comments are C-style comments, enclosed as follows:

/* this is a comment */

Comments below describe what to change for a particular case. In the example below,

  • A CODAS database is made of a collection of files ending in “.blk”, including a file ending in “dir.blk”.

  • The dbname variable is the path (full or relative) specifying the name of the file ending in “dir.blk” i.e. everything up to (but not incuding) the letters “dir.blk”

  • Windows examples would be:

    dbname:    Q:\cruise\proc\os75nb\adcpdb\a_mv
    dbname:    R:\data\mv0601\proc\os75nb\adcpdb\a_mv
  • Mac examples would be:

    dbname:    /Volumes/adcp_home/cruise/proc/os75nb/adcpdb/a_mv
    dbname:    /Volumes/data/mv0601/proc/os75nb/adcpdb/a_mv
  • The subdirectory following “proc” (below) is likely to be one of these: wh300, nb150, os75bb, os75nb, os38bb, os38nb

  • The “output:” variable is the prefix used in the output. The example below will result in “allbins_uv.mat” and “allbins_xy.mat” (matlab data description here)

  • Adcpsect is documented under “CODAS Control Files” in the original manual.

/*************  cut and paste this adcpsect.cnt example **********/

                                       /* NC = Do Not Change */

  dbname:          z:\adcpdb\a_mv             /* see above */
  output:          allbins                   /* filename prefix */
  step_size:       1                   /* NC */
  ndepth:          128                 /* NC */
  time_ranges:     single                     /* gives all profiles */
  year_base=       2006                       /* edit to match your year */
                                       /* NC */
  option_list:                         /* NC */
      pg_min=         50               /* NC */
      reference:      final_ship_ref   /* NC */
                                       /* NC */
      regrid:      average             /* NC */
                   depth               /* NC */
                                       /* NC */
                   grid number=    45         /* num vertical pts to get */
                   origin=         40         /* first bin depth */
                   increment=      20         /* vertical step size */
                                       /* NC */
                                       /* NC */
    flag_mask:     ALL_BITS            /* NC */
      end                              /* NC */
    end                                /* NC */

    all      /* time range */
