2.8.11. Technical notes about pingdata


PINGDATA were the original averaged ADCP data collected by a DOS program (DAS2.48). The original CODAS processing was done in matlab, and after we moved to Python, we made sure that PINGDATA could still be postprocessed.

  1. Pingdata are loaded directly into the database by a program loadping. It uses a “definition” file, which contains information about data and structure definitions. For pingdata, the definition file depends on the “user buffer” used during acquisition. The various definition files are already in the adcpdb/ directory. See section 5.2 in the PDF original CODAS manual for details about pingdata and user buffers, and this link for the description in the original pingdata demo. The “ldcodas” program uses one definition file, called “vmadcp.def”, and it is located in the load directory.

  2. Pingdata may have useful information such as better navigation, secondary navigation, or heading correction, embedded in a specific portion of memory called the “user buffer”. The contents of the “user buffer” depends on the “user exit” program run during acquisition. IF ue4 was used, “ubprint” can be used to extract the improved navigation, and ashtech heading correction, if they exist.

  3. If you are processing pingdata for the first time, you are advised to consult the original pingdata demo processing documentation frequently.

  4. Older documentation is preserved below in case we ever need it…

(Skip to the next section: UHDAS_OPERATIONS)