1.5. Test the CODAS Python Installation

Here are some somple tests to see whether the everything in the CODAS Python installation is working correctly.

  1. Start a Terminal window

  2. go to the UH programs directory, eg for Linux or OSX:

    cd ~/adcpcode/programs/codas_demos
  3. Verify that you have adcp_pyproc and uhdas_data directories:

  4. go to the postprocessing demo, into the directory for the os38nb processing:

    cd uhdas_data/km1001c/proc/os38nb
  5. Verify that the codas3 binaries are found.

    Specifically, look at the UHDAS post-processing database with showdb. Run this command:

    showdb adcpdb/a_km

    It should come back with a menu like this:

    DBOPEN DATABASE NAME = adcp_pyproc/km1001c_postproc/os38nb/adcpdb/a_km
    BLK:     0   OPEN: 1    PRF:     0   OPEN: 1    IER:      0
    1 - Show BLK DIR HDR          10 - SRCH TIME
    2 - Show BLK DIR              11 - SRCH BLK/PRF
    3 - Show BLK DIR ENTRY        12 - MOVE
    4 - Show BLK HDR              13 - GET TIME
    5 - Show PRF DIR              14 - GET POS
    6 - Show PRF DIR ENTRY        15 - GET DEPTH RANGE
    7 - Show DATA LIST            16 - GET DATA
    8 - Show DATA DIR             17 - Show Data Present
    9 - Show STRUCT DEFN          18 - SHOW BLK FTR
                        99 - QUIT

    Type 99 to quit

  6. Look at the figures in that directory: Use the arrow keys to select ‘previous’ or ‘next’ figure:

    figview.py --type png
  7. Look at the data with the viewer: To quit, close the control window:
