Ashtech Diagnostics $PASHR,ATT messages

  • Example: Good data message

                        head  , pitch,  roll                 R CC

R = Reacquisition Flag.  0 is good (1 is Bad, i.e. 'yes, I did have to try again')
CC = checksum
  • Example: Bad data message:


(pretty obvious -- "all commas" can't be good)
  • Example: Bad data message:


NMEA                         $PASHR,ATT
seconds in the week           74432.0000
heading                        35.3421
pitch                        0.0000        <----- bad
roll                         0.0000        <----- bad
mrms                         0.0022
brms                         19150.0205
reacquisition                1             <----- bad
checksum                     *15 $PASHR,AT2 messages

  • Example: Good data message

                       heading , pitch, roll   mrms  brms     R,LL

R = Reacquisition Flag.  0 is good (1 is Bad, i.e. 'yes, I did have to try again')
LL = Last State (0= no search in progress, >0 search in progress)
CC = checksum
  • Example: Bad data message

                       heading , pitch, roll   mrms  brms     R,LL

heading = 254.2164
pitch = 0.0000             <----- bad
roll = 0.0000              <----- bad
mrms = 0.0000              <----- bad
brms = 999.0000            <----- bad
reacquisition flag = 1      Bad is 1 (i.e. 'yes, I did have to try again')
last state = 00             Very Bad is 00 (not trying) $GPPAT messages

  • Example: Good data message

                                                      heading, pitch,  roll , mrms, brms  ,R CC

R = Reacquisition Flag.  0 is good (1 is Bad, i.e. 'yes, I did have to try again')
CC = checksum
  • Example: Bad data message

                                                   heading, pitch,  roll , mrms, brms  ,R CC

heading = 132.94
pitch = +00.00            <-----------  bad
roll = +00.00             <-----------  bad
mrms = 0.0053
brms = 0.0575
reacquisition flag = 1    <-----------  bad Indications of bad data:

  1. pitch and roll are zero

  2. reacquisition flag is 1 (i.e. it DID try again)

So, it is often hard to tell from the green panels that there was a problem, because there are barely enough lines. checking on UHDAS computer

The following messages might be logged on currents:


  • $PASHR,AT2

  • $GPPAT

Check the UHDAS GUI to see what the message actually is. To see what the ashtech values are (eg. for a $PASHR message), while UHDAS is running, type the following in a terminal window on currents:

showlast.py -a20 | grep PASHR