3.5.4. Temporarily disabling one instrument Secure it for a few days (still in the UHDAS GUI)

Just toggle all the ping types to OFF and start recording again.

  • If you already had some data collected, the bar will turn red.

  • If you never had any data collected, it will stay gray Secure it for several months (gone from the UHDAS GUI)

If you need to secure one ADCP for a long period (eg a few months until it is returned from RDI) there is an easy way to do it.


  • one instrument died and won’t be used for several months

  • there is a pole-mounted instrument in the ship configuration, but it isn’t used much

The following file has the configuration information for UHDAS data logging:


Open this file with an editor and read the top of the file for an explanation. The bottom line is:

If you need to change which pre-configured ADCPs show up in the UHDAS Gui Tool:

  1. stop logging end cruise kill UHDAS gui Tool

  2. MAKE A COPY of sensor_cfg.py

  3. edit the line that defines the variable “ignore_ADCPs” to say what you want

  4. save the file, exit the editor

  5. start the UHDAS Gui

  6. start a new cruise

If the behavior of the UHDAS Gui Tool is strange (eg. it refuses to start) then look for a typo, for example a missing comma

Errors are logged in /home/adcp/log/*.err

Fix the bug and try again.

In the example below, the WH600 and os75 will be used, and the wh1200 will not be used. Just uncomment the one line you want. (the lines starting with ‘#’ are commented):

================ sensor_cfg.py example ============

#                                # use these   wh1200   wh600   os75

#ignore_ADCPs = []                      #      x         x       x

ignore_ADCPs = ['wh1200',]              #                x       x

#ignore_ADCPs = ['wh600',]              #      x                 x

#ignore_ADCPs = ['os75',]               #      x         x

#ignore_ADCPs = ['wh1200', 'wh600',]    #                        x

#ignore_ADCPs = ['wh1200', 'os75',]     #                x

#ignore_ADCPs = ['wh600', 'os75',]      #      x