Command-line help¶
- Help is available using the following commands:
adcptree.py --help
quick_adcp.py --help
dataviewer.py --help
patch_hcorr.py --help
and in the links below. adcptree.py:¶
This is the command used to create a new ADCP processing directory tree:
adcptree.py --help
(help here) quick_adcp.py:¶
Run this command for CODAS ADCP processing steps …
… the first time
quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt
… all subsequent times
quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun
(with various options to choose from)General Help
quick_adcp.py --help
quick_adcp.py --vardoc
(command-line options)PYTHON PROCESSING EXAMPLES
quick_adcp.py --commands postproc
quick_adcp.py --commands ltapy
(LTA or STA)
vmdas_quick_ltaproc.py --help
(LTA or STA)
quick_adcp.py --commands uhdaspy
quick_adcp.py --commands enrpy
quick_adcp.py --commands pingdata
(PINGDATA) dataviewer.py¶
dataviewer.py --help
(help here)