## processing pingdata
(1) make the processing tree
adcptree.py pingdemo -d pingdata
(2) copy (or link) the data into the "ping" directory
cd pingdemo/ping
cp ../../../../pingdata/ping_demo/ping* .
cd ..
(3) save a control file
create a quick_adcp.py control file
- you can create q_py.cnt with an editor to have the
parts between (or including) the comments
- it may be easier to call it "q_py.txt" to avoid
fighting with your editor, which may try to set the suffix
unix: this example is written as a bash "heredoc" for
cut-and-past ease, but you can create q_py.cnt with
an editor to have the parts between (or including)
the comments
cat << EOF > q_py.cnt
### q_py.cnt is
--yearbase 1993
--cruisename ademo
--sonar nb150
--dbname aship
--datatype pingdata
--datafile_glob pingdata.*
--beamangle 30
#--ref_method smoothr ## this is the default, and the only thing allowed
## these must match what is in the dataset
--ub_type 720 # 1920 is more common; 720 is pretty old
--ens_len 300
(4) run quick:
quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt --auto
(5) check calibrations:
Number of edited points: 15 out of 17
amp = 1.0239 + 0.0178 (t - 98.8)
phase = -1.86 + -0.9926 (t - 98.8)
median mean std
amplitude 1.0230 1.0239 0.0164
phase -1.9640 -1.8647 0.9435
unedited: 31 points
edited: 23 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
median mean std
amplitude 1.0292 1.0313 0.0183
phase -2.5117 -2.3619 0.9646
Split the difference:
quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun rotate:calib:navsteps --rotate_angle -2.1 --rotate_amp 1.03 --auto
Number of edited points: 15 out of 17
amp = 0.9940 + 0.0172 (t - 98.8)
phase = 0.24 + -0.9924 (t - 98.8)
median mean std
amplitude 0.9930 0.9940 0.0161
phase 0.1350 0.2367 0.9394
unedited: 31 points
edited: 23 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
median mean std
amplitude 0.9989 1.0013 0.0179
phase -0.4306 -0.2666 0.9689
... proceed to edit, make web plots and matlab (or netcdf) files
done with processing.
Add cruise_info.txt to the top of this file.
Edit with correct info