7.7.2. adcptree_summary_help.txtΒΆ

   Python script for setting up an ADCP processing directory

      python adcptree.py  processing_directory  [options]
                                   (1)            (2)

       (1) required

           processing_directory is the name of the processing directory.
           It can be a full path or a relative path.  Good choices are the
           cruise name (for averaged data) or the instrument name (for raw

       (2) options are:

          -d, --datatype      : choose what kind of data logging (and
                              : hence which kind of data files are being
                              : processed)
                              : name          what
                              : ----          ----
                              : "uhdas"        implies known directory
                              :                    structure for access
                              :                    to raw data
                              : "lta", "sta"   VmDAS averages
                              : "enx"          implies VmDAS single-ping
                              :                    data,time-corrected,
                              :                    navigated with attitude
                              :                              :
                              : "pingdata"     implies DAS2.48 (or 2.49) NB
                              :                    data, already averaged


             --cruisename     :   uhdas only (use --verbose for more info)
                              :         required; no default
             --configpath     :   uhdas only  (use --verbose for more info)
                              :         default = "config"
             ---cruisedirpath :   uhdas only, path to cruise directory
                              :         default = './'
          -h, --help          : print this help
          -v, --verbose       : print notes about uhdas logging
                              :            (see previous options)
          -V, --varvals       : print list of options and their values

  The directory holding adcp templates is assumed to be in
  pycurrents/adcp/templates, where pycurrents is installed.


 example: (for pingdata:)
    adcptree.py vg0304

 example (for LTA data:)
    adcptree.py vg0404   --datatype lta
    adcptree.py vg0404  -d lta

 example (for uhdas data:) NOTE: find the configuration files from your cruise!
         Creating these from the templates is really starting from scratch

    adcptree.py kok0517  -d uhdas --cruisename kok0517 --configpath /home/data/kok0517/raw/config


 example: (for pingdata:)
    adcptree.py vg0304

 example (for LTA data:)
    adcptree.py vg0404    --datatype lta

must set processing directory name before using switches