7.7.29. quick_adcp_help.txtΒΆ

Automated processing of shipboard ADCP data.

This version of quick_adcp.py only supports python processing.
We are no longer maintaining Matlab processing. Matlab data
files are still part of the standard output, but the engine
that does the processing is Python. See the web documentation
for more information:


======================================   ====================================
        run this                             to see this
======================================   ====================================
quick_adcp.py --help                   :        (this page)
quick_adcp.py --vardoc                 : print documentation for variables
quick_adcp.py --varvals                : print variables and current values
--------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
To see commands for various data types, use --commands as follows.
--------------------------------------   ------------------------------------
quick_adcp.py --commands  postproc     :   UHDAS post-processing
quick_adcp.py --commands  uhdaspy      :   UHDAS processing
quick_adcp.py --commands  ltapy        :   LTA or STA files (averaged)
quick_adcp.py --commands  enrpy        :   ENR files (beam coords)
quick_adcp.py --commands  pingdata     :   original pingdata demo
======================================   ====================================


- All these switches use TWO dashes attached to a word. If you use one
  dash or leave a space afterwards, it will fail.
- Wild cards:

  - use quotes on the command line: "*.LTA"
  - do not quote in the control file

- Only pingdata and UHDAS have automatic generation of a heading
  correction (from a gps-aided device such as Ashtech).   There is
  a text file describing how to approach the heading correction
  if you look in the documentation (there is a link in the file
  created by adcptree.py)