7.7.47. vmdas_quicklta_proc_help.txtΒΆ

automatic processing of LTA data (tries to guess most things)

usage (minimal):

eg:   process LTA data (long term averages)

    vmdas_quick_ltaproc.py --cruisename ZZ1606 data/*LTA

eg:   process LTA data (long term averages)

    vmdas_quick_ltaproc.py --cruisename ZZ1606 data/*LTA

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CRUISENAME, --cruisename=CRUISENAME
                        cruisename for titles and folder for processing
  -s SONAR, --sonar=SONAR
                        (optional) sonar (eg. os75, wh300, bb75
  -p PROCDIR, --procdir=PROCDIR
                        ADCP processing directory (default is sonar_filetype)
  -r PROCROOT, --procroot=PROCROOT
                        Root processing directory (default is cruisename_proc)
  -v, --verbose         output additional messages to screen
  -y YEARBASE, --yearbase=YEARBASE
                        (optional) yearbase, it it cannot be deduced
  --force               if multiple EA or multiple ensemble lengths, process
                        anyway (otherwise abort)