2.7.2. Where to find information

All paths are relative to the base of the processing directory (where you see dbinfo.txt, cruise_info.txt, adcpdb, etc)

(what to check) How Do I …

where/how to check it

… find is a summary of

processing steps?

cruise_info.txt (fill in yourself)

… find what transducer angle was used in processing?

  • adcpdb/dbname.cnh (certainly)

  • cruise_info.txt (probably)

… see instrument settings

used in data collection?

  • adcpdb/dbname.cnh

… see settings used

in old Matlab processing

in the “config” directory, ONE of these
  • cruiseid_cfg.m, cruiseid_proc.m

… see settings used

in more recent Matlab processing

in the “config” directory,
  • proc_setup_onship.py

… see settings used

in all-Python processing

in the “config” directory
  • cruiseid_proc.py

… determine whether a heading

correction was present?

cal/rotate/scn.hdg (variables are:

dday, h_mean, h_last, dh)

… examime the quality of

the heading correction device as applied to data

cal/rotate/ens_hcorr.asc, *.png

… tell whether a separate rotation

was applied? (or scale factor)


… examine watertrack


cal/watertrk/adcpcal.out, *.png

… examine bottomtrack


cal/botmtrk/btcaluv.out, *.png

… plot navigation?

… from codas database: … from rbins:

plot_nav.py nav/dbname.gps

plot_rnav.py --help

… look at processed data?

dataviewer.py adcpdb/dbname

… make matlab files?

quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles

… view rbins?

… view ADCP raw data?

plot_rbins.py  --help

plot_rawadcp.py --help

… see a summary of uhdas files?

uhdas_info.py --help

… see a summary of VmDAS files?

vmdas_info.py --help

… compare data from 2 instruments?

dataviewer.py -c sonar1 sonar2

… get a modern python

configuration file for processing?

uhdas_proc_gen.py --help

… know if I must

remake gbins?

With Python processing, it’s relatively fast and unless you just made them with your present code, they probably need to redone.

Any of these requires new gbins: - if they were generated with matlab - if you are changing serial inputs - if you remade the rbins

… remake gbins?

Add this line to q_py.cnt (control file)


(rename the original first)

… look at gbin or

rbin data?

  • view rbins: plot_rbins.py …

  • programming: load and plot it yourself

    • BinfileSet (python load)

    • RbinSet (python load – uses QC)

    • read_bin.m (matlab load)

… know if I must

remake rbins?

Rarely, but these are good reasons:

  • if there are unexplained gaps in your data (old cruises) this might patch them

  • if there are multiple cruise legs, the rbins at the end of the earlier legs might not have been completed

  • REMAKE the gbins if you make new rbins

… remake rbins?

asc2bin.py --help (for UHDAS) serasc2bin --help (for VmDAS) mk_rbin.py --help (for uhdas; gets most)

… account for horizontal GPS

and ADCP separation?

quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --xducer_dx X --xducer_dy Y --auto

  • X is the displacement in the port direction

  • Y is the displacement along the keel

More detail about the ADCP-transducer

horizontal offset can be found
