============================== quick_adcp.py =============================== | =============================================
step run outputs (what it is) |
--------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------- |---------------------------------------------
* stage for averaging |
load Pygbin_script.py (in data directory, makes gbins) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* scan the ping files |
scan Scanping_script.py ___.scn | file, date range, dday range
............................................................................. |.............................................
* do the avaeraging |
load PingAverage_Script.py ___[.bin, .cmd, gps2, uvship] | bin: binary data for ldcodas
| cmd: commands for ldcodas (to read *.bin)
| gps2: end position for ensemble
| uvship:
............................................................................. |.............................................
* get time, position from database |(nav) ub___.ags [date lng lat ? ? ?]
nav ubprint ubprint.cnt (select nav outputa info) | (has gaps)
ub___.ags (average gps position) | (%% 5 line header)
"fix" file for refabs |
ub___.mat(ashtech attitude stats) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* get time, u_rel, v_rel (relative to reference layer) |(nav) rot___.nav [date u_rel v_rel]
nav adcpsect as_nav.cnt raw___.nav (dec_day,u,v relative | (%% one header line)
to ref. layer m/s) | (1E38 for bad values)
raw___.sta (statistics) |
raw___xy.mat (time,lng,lat;z;zc) |
raw___uv.mat (uvuv for depths) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* create "angle file" with (time, ash-gyro) |(cal/rotate) ub___.ang [date ash-gyro]
cal/rotate ashrot (M) matlab: needs decday,dh_offset | (bad points missing)
___.ang (time, ashtech-gyro) | (no comments)
............................................................................. |.............................................
* rotate database using "angle file" |
cal/rotate rotate rotate.cnt ___.log (info on amplitude, angle) |
(changes the database) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* find time, u_rel, v_rel (adcp relative to ref layer) |(nav) rot___.nav [date u_rel v_rel]
nav adcpsect as_nav.cnt rot___.nav (dec_day,u,v relative | (%% one header line)
to ref. layer m/s) | (1E38 for bad values)
"reference file for refabs |
rot___.sta (statistics) |
rot___xy.mat (time,lng,lat;z;zc) |
rot___uv.mat (uvuv for depths) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* ultimately get geographically correct ref layer velocities |(nav) rot___.ref
nav refabs refabs.cnt [in: ub___.ags = "fix" file] | [date lng lat refu refv dt u v dt_gap]
[in: rot___.nav = "reference" file] | (bad pts missing)
rot___.ref (9 columns time,lng,lat, |
refu,refv,dt,u,v,dt_gap) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* smooth the reference layer velocities (.sm) |(nav) rot___.sm
smoothr smoothr.cnt [in: rot__.nav = "reference" file] | [date refu refv shipu shipv lng lat ?]
[in: rot___.ref = refabs output] | (bad pts = 1E38)
rot___.sm (ref. layer velocities) | (no header)
rot___.bin (called by callrefp) |
rot___.log (log file) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* plot reference layer velocities |
nav callrefp (M) (matlab: plots reference layer vel) |
[in: rot___.bin from smoothr] |
[in: rot___.ref from smoothr] |
______.ps (ref layer plot) |
............................................................................. |.............................................
* use smoothed ref layer velocities to store position and ship velocity in db |
nav putnav putnav.cnt [in: rot___.sm = ref. layer vel] |
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