== Narrowband pingdata files ======
To process NB pingdata (assuming 300-second ensembles)
(1) run
adcptree.py vg0304
(2) change directories to newpingdemo/ping and link or copy the
pingdata files here
(3) then "cd .." to get back to the processing directory
(4a) Now: (for example)
### --------- q_py.cnt is ---------
--yearbase 2003 ## for decimal day conversion
## required fir first run of
## quick_adcp.py
--dbname a0304 ## database name, in adcpdb
--cruisename pingdemo ## always required
--hcorr_inst ashrot ## for pingdata with ashtech
--datatype pingdata ##
--datafile_glob pingdata.??? ## DO NOT quote the wildcards
--beamangle 30 ## nb150 is usually 30deg
### -------end of q_py.cnt---------
quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt
(4b) calibration (watertrack and bottomtrack)
quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_pyrot.cnt
### start q_pyrot.cnt
--rotate_angle .4 ## rotation (cal/watertrk/adclcal.out)
--steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib ## do these steps
(4c) after editing:
quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_pyedit.cnt
## q_pyedit.cnt is:
--steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib:matfiles ## do these steps
## matfiles are automatically run the
## first time. must specify:
--instname nb150 ## - sets defaults for matlab files
--firstdepth 31 ## - shallowest depth (from database)
### end of q_pyedit.cnt
NOTE to Windows users:
make sure your PATH includes the location of quick_adcp.py
make sure your PYTHONPATH is set correctly
make sure you associate *.py extensions with the python program