7.7.46. vmdas_commandline_summary.txtΒΆ

mkdir vmdas_project_dir
cd vmdas_project_dir

# link data here

vmdas_info.py --logfile lta_info.txt os data/*LTA

adcptree.py os75bb_lta --datatype lta
cd  os75bb_lta

cat << EOF > q_py.cnt

    ##### q_py.cnt is

     ### python processing

    --yearbase 2009             ## required, for decimal day conversion
                                ##     (year of first data)
    --cruisename ps0918         ## always required; used for titles
    --dbname aship              ## database name; in adcpdb.  eg. a0918
    --datatype lta              ## datafile type
    --sonar os75bb              ## instrument letters, frequency, [ping]
    --ens_len  300              ## specify correct ensemble length
    --pgmin 30
    --datadir ../data           ## copying or linking files

    #### end of q_py.cnt


quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt --auto

cd ..

vmdas_info.py --logfile enr_info.txt os data/*ENR

mkdir config
reform_vmdas.py ../data

                   # reform_defs.py (will be used in step 4)
                   # vmdas2uhdas.py (transform vmdas data into uhdas dasta)

python3 vmdas2uhdas.py
uhdas_proc_gen.py -s sos
mv sos_proc.py ps0918_proc.py

cd ..
adcptree.py os75bb --datatype uhdas --cruisename ps0918
cd os75bb

cat << EOF > q_py.cnt

    ### q_py.cnt is

    ## python processing

    --yearbase 2009             ## required, for decimal day conversion
                                ##     (year of first data)
    --cruisename ps0918    ## *must* match prefix in config dir
    --dbname aship              ## database name; in adcpdb.  eg. a0918

    --datatype uhdas            ## datafile type
    --sonar os75bb              ## specify instrument letters, frequency,
                                ##     (and ping type for ocean surveyors)
    --ens_len  300              ## averages of 300sec duration

    --update_gbin               ## required for this kind of processing
    --configtype  python        ## file used in config/ dirctory is python

    --ping_headcorr             ## ps0918_proc.py says use HDT first,
                                ##    correct to ashtech

   --max_search_depth 1500      ## use  topography for editing?
                                ## 0 = "always use amplitude to guess the bottom;
                                ##          flag data below the bottom as bad
                                ## -1 = "never search for the bottom"
                                ## positive integer: use ADCP amp to autodetect
                                ##    the bottom.  Only do this in "deep water",
                                ##    i.e. topo says bottom is deeper than this


quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt --auto