7.7.25. ps0918_os75bb_LTA_proc.txt

using cruisename "PS0918" for processing root and logfiles
- will deduce yearbase
- if there are multiple EA or multiple ensemble time durations:
- if there are multiple EA or multiple ensemble time durations:
processing will take place  PS0918/SONAR_LTA
... where "SONAR" is determined as follows:
- will deduce sonar
found sonar os75bb
read 100 out of   146662 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge005_000000.N1R
read 100 out of    47510 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge005_000000.N2R
read 100 out of    76188 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge005_000000.N3R
read 100 out of   253391 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge006_000000.N1R
read 100 out of    75159 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge006_000000.N2R
read 100 out of   107307 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge006_000000.N3R
read 100 out of    98503 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge007_000000.N1R
read 100 out of    31980 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge007_000000.N2R
read 100 out of    51507 lines from ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/Collins_PtSur_Ridge007_000000.N3R

(done guessing serial inputs from files)

- determining summary information about LTA data files
- sorting files in time order
- guessing instrument model
- about to guess EA from raw data files...
- determining ensemble length from LTA files
- guessing additional information for single-ping processing)
- guessing heading source
- trying to determine serial NMEA messages
found one consistent ensemble length: using 299sec
running: quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt --auto  
done with quick_adcp.py

Making web site with figures using "quick_web.py"

netCDF files:
- made short netCDF file contour/os75bb.nc
- netCDF variables are defined in contour/CODAS_netcfd_variables.txt
- CODAS processing described in contour/CODAS_processing_note.txt
Processed 3 os75bb LTA files with 299sec ensemble length

Number of edited points:   2 out of   2
            median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0040   1.0040   0.0085
phase       1.4200   1.4200   1.2558

unedited: 36 points
edited:   33 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
            median     mean      std
amplitude   0.9998   0.9998   0.0025
phase       1.3538   1.5970   0.5428

=== Data ===

- vmdas_info data summary is in this file:

== Processing ==

- Summary processing information is in this file:

- Calibrations (also shown above) are summarized in:

=== Figures ===

To view all figures generated during processing,
        figview.py PS0918_proc/os75bb_LTA

To explore the dataset, run this command:
        dataviewer.py PS0918_proc/os75bb_LTA

To look at the web plots, in a web browser
    open PS0918_proc/os75bb_LTA/webpy/index.html 

=== Postprocessing ===

all postprocessing occurs in PS0918_proc/os75bb_LTA; change directories first

      cd  PS0918_proc/os75bb_LTA

If warranted, apply a rotation calibration using mean or median
of watertrack or bottom track calibration values.  If mean and
median agreed at 0.5deg, apply as follows, using 0.5 for XXX:

     quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_angle XXX --auto

After rotation and editing, to remake the netCDF file:

     adcp_nc.py adcpdb/aship contour/os75bb.nc PS0918 os75bb

After rotation and editing, to remake the webpy web site:

    quick_web.py --redo --add_amp