7.7.18. os75bb_LTA.txtΒΆ

LAST CHANGED    : Mon Feb 10 11:21:11 HST 2014
CRUISE NAME(S)  : ps0918
CRUISE DATES    : 2009/09/22 14:35:59 to 2009/09/22 23:13:33
SHIP NAME       : Point Sur
PORTS           : Monterey, CA to Monterey, CA

STATUS          :  to do                           done
	      ------                       -----------
	      averaged                       [  x   ] LTA files
	      loaded                         [  x   ]
  NOTE: No automated time-dependent
		    heading correction exists

	      check heading correction       [  x   ]
	      calibration                    [  x   ]
	      edited                         [  x   ]
	      re-check heading correction    [  x   ]
	      check editing                  [  x   ]
	      figures                        [  x   ]

INSTRUMENT      : os75

 PROGRAM    : lta
 PROCESSING:    : python

LOGGING         :

 PARAMETERS : BT : bottom track mode (on or off)
	      SI : sampling interval or averaging period for ensemble (sec)
	      NB : number of bins
	      BL : bin length (m)
	      TD : transducer depth (m)
	      BK : blanking length (m)
	      HO : heading offset applied by DAS (deg)
	      HB : heading bias (deg)
	      CRPH : compensation for roll-pitch-heading, 1:on, 0:off)

	      yy/mm/dd  hh:mm:ss   BT   SI  NB  BL  TD BK     HO     HB CRPH
	      2009/09/22 13:40:59   on  297  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001
	      2009/09/22 16:12:50   on  298  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001
	      2009/09/22 22:18:30   on  297  80   8   3  8   1.18   0.00 0001

HEADING         :
 PRIMARY    : heading from gyro?? (specify primary heading device here)
 CORRECTION : specify heading correction device (if it exists)

POSITIONS       : gps

CALIBRATION     : original heading angle 1.18
	      additional rotation 1.5
	      final transducer angle is:
		   (original transducer angle) - (rotate_angle)
	      applied scale factor 1
	      additional scale factor (none)

COMMENTS        : looks OK

PROCESSOR       : I.M. Persistent

--- processing parameters ----------

## (determined from "sonar"): model = os
## (determined from "sonar"): frequency = 75
## (determined from "sonar"): pingtype = bb
## (determined from "sonar"): instname = os75
	 badbeam   None
       beamangle   30
      configtype   python
      cruisename   ps0918
	datatype   lta
	  dbname   aship
	 ens_len   300
	 fixfile   aship.gps
	   pgmin   50
     proc_engine   python
      ref_method   refsm
 refuv_smoothwin   3
    refuv_source   nav
	   sonar   os75bb
	txy_file   aship.gps
       xducer_dx   0
       xducer_dy   0
	yearbase   2009

This 'help' refers to the qpy_demos ps0918 cruise.

(1) find out information about the data

starting in ps0918_ltaproc, run this command:

     vmdas_info.py --logfile lta_info.txt os ../../vmdas_data/ps0918/*LTA

The output says:

  - 3 files, all have data
  - averaging length: 300sec
  - instrument frequency 75
  - pingtypes: bb pings
  - bottom track was on for part of the cruise
  - beam angle 30 (normal for OS75)
  - transducer angle (EA) 1.18
  - messages available and what was used:

  N1R      HEHDT           <-- VmDAS primary heading

  N2R      GPGGA
  N2R      GPHDT
  N2R      PASHR,AT2       <-- VmDAS backup heading
  N2R      PASHR,ATT
  N2R      PASHR,POS

  N3R      GPGGA           <-- VmDAS primary position
  N3R      GPGLL

(2) set up processing directory:

 adcptree.py os75bb_lta --datatype lta

(3) Look at vmdas_info.py again and note:
- what kind of pings
- averaging length
- are filenames sorted in chronological order?
- what was the heading source?

Start a text file "os75bb_lta.txt" adjacent to the processing directory,
"os75bb_lta" and put this information in it:

   --> these are 'bb' pings
   --> averaged over 300sec
   --> frequency is 75kHz, so "sonar" os "os75bb"
   --> primary heading was HEHDT
   --> there is an Ashtech, used as secondary heading

(4) Change directories to ADCP processing directory just created.
All the rest of the work (except for editing the text file)
will be done in this directory

cd  os75bb_lta

(5) create a quick_adcp.py control file

 create a quick_adcp.py control file

    - you can create q_py.cnt with an editor to have the
      parts between (or including) the comments
    - it may be easier to call it "q_py.txt" to avoid
      fighting with your editor, which may try to set the suffix

unix: this example  is written as a bash "heredoc" for
      cut-and-past ease, but you can create q_py.cnt with
      an editor to have the parts between (or including)
      the comments

cat << EOF > q_py.cnt

##### q_py.cnt is

 ### python processing

--yearbase 2009             ## required, for decimal day conversion
			    ##     (year of first data)
--cruisename ps0918         ## always required; used for titles
--dbname aship              ## database name; in adcpdb.  eg. a0918
--datatype lta              ## datafile type
--sonar os75bb              ## instrument letters, frequency, [ping]
--ens_len  300              ## specify correct ensemble length
--pgmin 30

--datadir ../../../vmdas_data/ps0918  ##use this option to avoid
			    ## copying or linking files

#### end of q_py.cnt


(6) run quick_adcp.py:

   quick_adcp.py --cntfile q_py.cnt

(7) Check calibrations

Number of edited points:   2 out of   2
   amp   = 1.0040  + 0.1053 (t - 264.8)
   phase =   1.42  + 15.5789 (t - 264.8)
	median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0040   1.0040   0.0085
phase       1.4200   1.4200   1.2558

unedited: 45 points
edited:   40 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
	median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0006   1.0004   0.0028
phase       1.4050   1.6385   0.5606


(8)  apply rotation correction (no scale factor necessary)
 (all in one line)

 quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun rotate:navsteps:calib --rotate_angle 1.5  --auto

unedited: 45 points
edited:   40 points, 2.0 min speed, 2.5 max dev
	   median     mean      std
amplitude   1.0002   1.0003   0.0028
phase      -0.0969   0.1344   0.5575

 - this is "close enough" to allow editing at this point

(9)  edit bad data

   cd edit
   dataviewer.py -e

 # apply editing:

   cd ..
   quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun apply_edit:navsteps:calib  --auto

(10) make web plots

   quick_web.py --interactive

 - view with a browser, look at webpy/index.html

(11) extract data

   quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun matfiles --auto

adcp_nc.py adcpdb  contour/os75bb  ps0918_demo os75bb