7.7.19. patch_hcorr_help.txtΒΆ

(1) view hcorr*.png
(2) if there are gaps or if the tools above are useful, run "patch_hcorr_app.py"
    from inside the sonar processing, "cal" or "rotate" directories
(3) edit gaps using the patch_hcorr App

This App:
 - reads "ens_hcorr.asc" and plots components
 - allows simple graphical editing of the file to
     + cut out chunks (interpolates through them)
     + trim outliers by
            * using "cleaner" (removes spiks by using 2nd derivative)
            * median filter cutoff (set filter length, threshold)
            * box filter
 - Edit button:
     + mask out points using standard selection tools (rectangle, polygon,...)
 - Save button:
     + write new ascii files:
                 "newhcorr.asc" (for figures)
                 "newhcorr.ang" (apply to the database)
     + make figures showing new heading correction (newhcorr*.png)
     + stages "unrotate.tmp"
     + stages "rotate_fixed.tmp"
 - Apply and Edit button:
     + run "rotate unrotate.tmp" to remove the original heading corrections
     + run "rotate rotate_fixed.tmp" to apply newhcorr.ang to the database
     + rerun the navigation steps using the following command:
           cd ../..     #go back to the root sonar processing directory
           quick_adcp.py --steps2rerun navsteps:calib --auto

(1) You must delete newhcorr* before you start
(2) "unrotate.tmp" resets the calibrations to
     - phase correction 0.0
     - scale factor     1.0
    If you already applied any fixed phase or scale factor
    you must apply them again.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ens_hcorr_path [ENS_HCORR_PATH]
                        Path to ens_hcorr.asc file
  --sonar [SONAR]       Sonar name, ADCP+frequency+mode (see applicable), ex.:
                        os75nb, wh300
  --yearbase [YEARBASE]
                        Database's year base, YYYY, ex.: 2018
  --debug               Switches on debug level logging and writes in