7.7.27. q_py_heredoc.txtΒΆ

A "heredoc" is a way of pasting words onto the commandline
and having them end up in a file.  Copy and paste everything
below the line (starting with "cat << EOF"  and drop it into
a command-line terminal in the processing directory:


cat << EOF > q_py.cnt
         ####----- begin q_py.cnt------------
         ## all lines after the first "#" sign are ignored
          --yearbase    2010
          --cruisename  km1001c_manual   # used to identify configuration files
                                  #  *must* match prefix of files in config dir
          --update_gbin   ## NOTE: You should generally remake gbins
                      ## - you are not sure
                      ## - if parameters for averaging changed
                      ## - various other reasons.
                      ## ==> MAKE SURE you move the original gbin directory
                      ##     to another name first!!  Default directory
                      ##     to make gbins is in uhdas_dir
          --configtype python  ## use km1001c_manual_proc.py for configuration
          --sonar       os38nb
          --dbname      aship
          --datatype    uhdas
          --ens_len     300
          --ping_headcorr    ## applies heading correction.
                             ## this ONLY works if there is a heading
                             ##     correction device specified in the
                             ##     config/km1001c_manual_proc.py file
          --max_search_depth 3000  #if the topography says the ocean is deeper
                               # than this, do not autodetect the bottom.
                               # (reduces likelihood of shallow scattering
                               # layers being identified as the bottom)

## ----------- don't copy this part! -----------

Now if you type

    cat q_py.cnt

you should see the file.